Brid Ni Chonaill

Senior Lecturer
Tel: 01 2207416
MPhil in Ethnic and Racial studies, Trinity College Dublin
PhD in French, Université de Nice
MA in French, University College Cork
Deliver modules on Combatting Racism to final year Community Development and Youth Work and Social Care students, and on Irish Culture and Society to first year students. Also involved in research supervision.
Research Interests
Racism, anti-racism, integration and interculturalism. Conducted research in these areas in conjunction with organisations such as the Immigrant Council of Ireland, the FAI and Fingal County Council. Project lead on the Embedding Antiracism in the Community Development and Youth Work Programme Le Chéile project (2020-2021) and the EDI funded development of the Community Development and Youth Work Anti-Racism Placement Resource (2021-2022). Previously researched and published on linguistic diversity in France and language policy.
Ní Chonaill, B., Macnamara, N., & Lawlor, G. (2022). Embedding anti-racism in the community development and youth work programme: the focus on positionality.In Re-imagining higher education through equity, inclusion and sustainability (RISE). Proceedings of the 2nd. EUt+ International Conference on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Technical University of Sofia, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 1-3 September. doi:10.21427/cd2h-wr59
Ni Chonaill, Brid; Lawlor, Georgina; Macnamara, Noirin; McGlynn, Liam; Smith, Garreth; Coyle, Sheila; and Cluskey, Mairead (2022) ‘Embedding anti-racism in the teaching, learning and assessment of the Community Development and Youth Work programme: Lessons learned to date’, Irish Journal of Academic Practice: 10 Iss. 2, Article 8.
Available at:
Ní Chonaill, B. (2021) ‘Black Lives Matter and Higher Education in Ireland’, in The Sociological Observer Black Lives Matter, (eds) Michael, L. and Joseph, E. 2(1), Maynooth: SAI, available at :
Ní Chonaill, B., Cluskey, M., Lawlor, G., McGlynn, L., Coyle S., Smith, G. and MacNamara, N. (2021) ‘Embedding Antiracism in the Community Development and Youth Work Programme (CDYW) 2020/2021’, Case Studies, 17. Available at:
Ní Chonaill, B. and Buczkowska, T. (2019) ‘Experiences of Racism in Social Housing’, in B. Fanning, & L. Michael (eds) Immigrants as Outsiders in the Two Irelands, Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Ní Chonaill, B. (2018) ‘Interculturalism in higher education in Ireland: An Analysis from a Strategy, Policy and Practice Perspective’, vol. 256 Transforming our World Through Design, Diversity and Education, G. Craddock et al. (eds.), IOS Press. Available at
Ní Chonaill, B. and Buczkowska, T. (2017) Taking Racism Seriously: Experiences of Racism and Racially Motivated Anti-social behavior in Social Housing, Dublin: Immigrant Council of Ireland.
Ní Chonaill, B. and Harris, R. (2016) ‘Inequality in the Irish higher education system: a case study of the views of migrant students and their lecturers on how English language proficiency impacts their academic achievement in an Institute of Technology’, Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies, 16 (2).
Ní Chonaill, B. and Byrne, M. (2014) “Ghettos of the Mind’: Realities and Myths in the Construction of the Social Identity of a Dublin Suburb’, Sociological Research Online, 19, (3).
Ní Chonaill, B. (2014) ‘The Linguistic Challenges of Immigration : the Irish Higher Education Sector’s Response’ in Managing Diversity in Education Languages, Policies, Pedagogies (ed.) D. Little, C. Leung and P. V. Avermaet, Multilingual Matters: Bristol/Canada.
Ní Chonaill, B. and Harris, R. (2013) ‘Equality of access to higher education: discussion of emerging issues regarding the performance of migrants at the Institute of Technology Blanchardstown’ in How Equal? Access to Higher Education in Ireland, Dublin: HEA.
Ní Chonaill, B. (2011) ‘Entre deux mondes: questions d’identité dans Mémoires d’immigrés de Yamina Benguigui’, La Migrance à l’œuvre Littératures de langue française, Vol.16, ed. M. Brophy et M. Gallagher, Bern : Peter Lang.
Ní Chonaill, B. (2007) ‘The Impact of Migrants on Resources: A Critical Assessment of the Views of People Working/Living in the Blanchardstown Area’, Translocations The Irish Migration, Race and Social Transformation Review, vol. 2, summer 2007. Available at
Ní Chonaill, B. (2007) ‘Questions of language and identity within the world of music: the case of Massilia Sound System’, in Intercultural Spaces: Language, Culture and Identity, New York: Peter Lang.
Ní Chonaill, B. (2007) ‘La diversité linguistique en France face à la mondialisation’, in La France face à la mondialisation/France and the Struggle against Globalisation, New York : Edward Mellen Press.
Ní Chonaill, B. (2007) ‘La renaissance irlandaise : le cas de Conradh na Gaeilge’, L’éveil des nationalités et les revendications linguistiques en Europe (1830-1930), ed. C. Alén Garabato, Paris: L’Harmattan.
Ní Chonaill, B. (2005) ‘Les strates successives constituant l’identité d’après l’œuvre de Pierre-Jakez Hélias’, Un regard en arrière vers la littérature d’expression française du XXe siècle : Questions d’Identité et de Marginalité, ed. E. Maher, Besançon: Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté.
Ní Chonaill, B. (2004) ‘Le rôle des politiques nationales et euopéennes face à la régression linguistique : le cas de la langue irlandaise’, Des Langues Collatérales Problemes linguistiques, sociolinguistiques et glottopolitiques de la proximité linguistique Volume 1, ed. J.-M. Eloy, Paris : L’Harmattan.
Ní Chonaill, B. (2004) ‘La représentation faite par Pierre-Jakez Hélias du clergé au sein de la société bretonnante’ dans Clergés et cultures populaires, ed. B. Le Juez, Publications de l’Université de Saint-Étienne.
Ní Chonaill, B. (2004) ‘The Irish Presence in the Félibrige’, Ireland-France : Anatomy of a Relationship, eds. E. Maher and G. Neville, Frankfurt : Peter Lang.
Ní Chonaill, B. (2004) ‘The Case of Regional and Minority Languages in France’, Contemporary French Cultures and Societies, Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
Ní Chonaill, B. (2002) ‘La chanson comme outil de promotion linguistique en Occitanie’, The Irish Journal of French Studies, no.2.
Ní Chonaill, B. (2001) ‘Quel future pour la langue bretonne ? Quelle perspective en propose Pierre-Jakez Hélias dans Le Cheval d’Orgueil’, Pierre-Jakez Hélias Bigouden Universel, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Rennes.
- IRCHSS small project grant awardee (2008) for one-year study Perceptions of migrants and their impact on the Blanchardstown area: Local Views.
- AIB Innovation Fund awardee (2010, 2012, 2015) to supervise diversity related projects.
- TU Dublin Seed Fund awardee (2017)
- TU Dublin IMPACT Le Chéile funding awardee (2020)
- TU Dublin EDI Funding awardee (2021)
- National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning - national seminar series (2021) webinar on developing anti-racism in practice education.