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Gillian Larkin

Image for Gillian Larkin



Tel: +35312207532


B.A. Hons Applied Social Studies (Social Care), Carlow College

Master of Applied Social Research, Trinity College

PG Diploma in Third Level Learning and Teaching, TUDublin 

Master of Applied Psychology, University College Cork


Gillian is a lecturer in School of Social Sciences, Law and Education on the Tallaght campus. Before joining the Tallaght campus in 2018, Gill worked as a lecturer in the Southeast Technological University teaching undergraduate students in Social Care, Early Childhood Education and Care, and post graduate students in Child, Youth and Family Studies for 7 years.   

Gill has extensive experience working in residential care, and in the mental health and addiction sector.

Research Interests 

Mental health, positive psychology, flourishing and thriving, coaching and mentoring.


Larkin, G. (2021). Chapter 79 Standard Proficiency 18 'Know the basic principles of effective teaching and learning, mentoring and supervision', in Lyons, D. & Brown, T. (eds)  Guide to the Standards of Proficiency for Social Care Workers Domain 5, Social Care. Available from: Ireland.

Larkin, G. & Connell, M. (2021). Chapter 34 Standard Proficiency 11”Understand and be able to discuss the principles of effective conflict management”, in Lyons, D. & Brown, T. (eds)  Guide to the Standards of Proficiency for Social Care Workers Domain 2, Social Care. Available from: Ireland.

McGarr, J., Fingleton, M., Molloy, N., Larkin, G., Connell, M., Jameson, A. & Shier, A. M. (2021). "Every Day is a School Day: Educators Experiences of Utilising an Integrative Framework within Social Care Education in Ireland," Irish Journal of Academic Practice: Vol. 9: Issue. 2, Article 9. Available at: 

Image for Gillian Larkin