Anne Marie Shier

Tel: 01 220 5476
BSocSc, University College Cork
Master of Social Work, University College Cork
PG Diploma in Third Level Learning and Teaching, TUDublin
Fulbright Scholar
Rudd Adoption Research Scholar
TU Dublin Fulbright Campus Ambassador 2021-2023
Conference Papers/Presentations
2021 Invited presentation to the Adoption Authority Ireland on Doctoral Research on Reunion in an Intercountry Adoption Context
2021 Using Social Media and Technology in Adoption Search and Reunion: The Lived Experiences of Irish Intercountry Adoptees Rudd Adoption Research Program Presentation
2021 “…So I sent him a friend request”: The role of social media and technology in search and reunion in intercountry adoption International Conference on Adoption Research 2021
2019 Role of Social Media and Technology in Intercountry Adoption Reunion All Ireland Social Work Research Conference 2019, Dublin (Highly Commended in Breaking Boundaries Category)
2019 Adoption Reunions: Explorations of the Reunion Experiences of Irish Intercountry Adoptees
Doctor of Social Science Symposium, University College Cork
2018 Intercountry Adoption in the Irish Context
Invited Guest Lecture, Master of Social Work Programme, University College Cork
2018 Social care work and social work in the Irish context
Invited Guest Lecture, Munich University of Applied Sciences
2018 Reunion Experiences of Irish Intercountry Adoptees
International Conference on Adoption Research, Montreal
2017 Development of Academic Programmes in Social Care Work and Social Work
International Conference on Social Work and Social Welfare in the context of ASEAN community: Integration and Sustainable Development. Thu Dau Mot, University, Vietnam
2016 Balancing Care through Social Entrepreneurship Social Care Ireland Conference, Kildare
2015 Residential Social Care in Ireland Guest Lecture in International Perspectives in Social Care, University of Antwerp.
2015 Teaching students to work in a multidisciplinary context using Problem Based Learning and Film Social Care Ireland Conference, Sligo
2015 Curriculum Redesign Case Study Annual Showcase of Teaching and Learning Innovations, Dublin Institute of Technology
2014 Social Care in the Irish Context Guest Lecture in International Perspectives in Social Care, University of Antwerp
2014 Teaching Interdisiplinarity using Problem Based Learning and Film FESET Conference, Turku, Finland
Shier, Anne Marie (2021), Negotiating Reunion in Intercountry Adoption Using Social Media and Technology, The British Journal of Social Work, Volume 51, Issue 2, March 2021, Pages 408–426,
McGarr, Jennifer; Fingleton, Margaret; Molloy, Noel; Larkin, Gillian; Connell, Marian; Jameson, Ailish; and Shier, Anne Marie (2021) "Every Day is a School Day: Educators Experiences of Utilising an Integrative Framework within Social Care Education in Ireland," Irish Journal of Academic Practice: Vol. 9: Iss. 2, Article 9. doi: Available at:
Smith, Karen; Shier, Anne Marie; Fingleton, Margaret; and Murphy, Kevin (2016). Guest Editor’s Introduction: Social Care, Social Policy and Social Justice. Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies: Vol. 16: Iss. 2, Article 1. Available at:
Shier, Anne Marie and Williams, David. (2015). An Evaluation of the use of Problem Based Learning and Film as a Method of Teaching and Assessment for Social Care Students. The European Journal of Social Education/Journal Européen d’Éducation Sociale 26/27, pp 8-27. Available at:
Research and Teaching Interests
Adoption, Foster Care, Relative Foster Care, Social Care Practice Placement, Professional Practice, Ethics, Life Skills Project for Deaf Adults