Ruth Cannon

Ruth Cannon is a former Exhibitioner and Scholar of Trinity College, graduating with an LLB in 1996. She was subsequently awarded a British Council/Chevening scholarship to study for a BCL (taught Master’s degree) at Oxford University. After graduation from Oxford in 1997, Ruth qualified as a barrister at the King’s Inns, Dublin, receiving a Bar Council bursary for obtaining first place in Evidence Law in her final barrister degree examination.
Ruth first started lecturing at the Dublin Institute of Technology, now the Technological University of Dublin, in 2001, taking leave of absence for the period 2002-2006 to lecture in the Department of Law, Trinity College Dublin.
Ruth’s main interests are property law and evidence law. Her student text, Land Law, published by Round Hall Press in 2001, is currently in its third edition and she has also co-authored (with Áine Clancy and Padraig) an annotated version of the Land and Conveyancing Law Reform Act 2009.
Ruth currently edits the Conveyancing and Property Law Journal and has published many articles on property law and landlord and tenant law. Over the years, she has delivered many papers on property law at academic and professional conferences as well as providing presentations on all areas of property law to semi-State bodies, solicitors and barristers, as well as acting as Junior Counsel in a number of leading Irish property cases such as Leopardstown v Templeville, Larianov Foundation v Prendergast, Dublin Port Company v Automation Transport and Inland Fisheries v O’Baoill.
Ruth has also co-authored (with another Law Department member Niall Neligan) a textbook, Evidence Law. She has written chapters on electronic evidence in Ireland for several editions of an international publication on evidence law. Since 2007 Ruth has been the internal examiner in Evidence Law for the Barrister-at-Law Entrance Examination of the Honourable Society of King’s Inns.
Ruth also curates a website on the history of the Four Courts, Dublin and presented a paper on ‘Women and the Battle of the Four Courts 1922’ as part of the Four Courts 100 Centenary Lectures 2022.