Philip Gavin

Assistant Lecturer
Philip Gavin is an Assistant Lecturer in Law in the School of Social Sciences, Law & Education. He delivers modules on Company Law, Law of Equity and Law of Torts. Dr Gavin is the Erasmus Coordinator for Law and Languages programmes in TU Dublin.
Dr Gavin’s research explores how the interests of the company are understood and how this informs the autonomy of directors. He also researches the duties of directors in financially distressed companies. His research also explores fiduciary and equitable developments in commercial practice. He is a co-author of the Equity and the Law of Trusts in Ireland textbook.
Academic and professional qualifications
Doctor of Philosophy (Law), Trinity College Dublin (2024)
MSc (Law and Finance), University of Oxford (2019)
LLM (International and European Business Law), Trinity College Dublin (2018)
LLB (Law and German), Trinity College Dublin (2017)
- Hilary Biehler and Philip Gavin, Equity and the Law of Trusts in Ireland (8th edn Round Hall 2025) (forthcoming).
- Philip Gavin, ‘Newcomer Injunctions: Equitable Innovation or Constitutional Challenge?’ (2024) Irish Jurist (forthcoming).
- Philip Gavin, ‘The Lesser of Two Duties? Contrasting the Section 224A Duties to Consider the Interests of Creditors’ (2024) 44(1) Dublin University Law Journal 55.
- Philip Gavin, ‘Corporate Viability and the Duty to Consider the Interests of Creditors in the United Kingdom and the European Union’ (2024) 35(5) European Business Law Review 627.
- John Quinn and Philip Gavin, ‘The Creditor Duty Post Sequana: Lessons for Legislative Reform’ (2023) 23(1) Journal of Corporate Law Studies 271.
- Dionysia Katelouzou and Philip Gavin, ‘Investor Stewardship in an Uncertain World - A Conference Report’ (May 27, 2022). Available at SSRN:
- Philip Gavin, ‘Jumping the Gun: Codifying The Duty to Consider the Interests of Creditors in the Companies Act 2014’ (2021) 65(1) Irish Jurist 138.
- Philip Gavin ‘A Rejection of Absolutist Duties as a Barrier to Creditor Protection: Facilitating Directorial Decisiveness Surrounding Insolvency through the Business Judgment Rule.’ (2021) 15(2) Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial & Commercial Law 313.
- Philip Gavin, ‘Islamic Finance Post Financial Crisis: The New Frontier for Justifying Fundamentalism’ (2018) 14(1) Journal of International Law and Islamic Law
- Philip Gavin ‘Linguistic Relativity and the Comparative Formulation of Criminal Sanction in European Union Member States’ Parts I-III (2020) 38(8), ILT 115; 38(9) ILT 126; 38(10) ILT 143.
- Philip Gavin, ‘An Evaluation of the Jarring Practical Effects of Separate Legal Personality in an Irish Context: A Response to David Kershaw’ (2020) 38(7) Irish Law Times 95.
Conference Papers
- Alan Eustace and Philip Gavin, ‘Taking a LEEF out of Company Law's Book: Lessons for an Employer Duty of 'Good Faith' in Collective Bargaining’ in Society of Legal Scholars, University of Bristol (2024).
- Philip Gavin, ‘Conditional Judicial Deference: The Interests of the Company as a Business Judgment’ in Rethinking Company Law – SLS Supported Conference, University of Newcastle (2024).
- Philip Gavin, ‘Corporate Viability and the Duty to Consider the Interests of Creditors: Contrasting Developments in the UK and EU’ in Society of Legal Scholars, Oxford Brooks University (2023).
- Philip Gavin, ‘Two Roads Diverged: The Emerging Distinction within the Duty to Consider Creditor Interests in Ireland and the United Kingdom’ in The Future of Company Law – SLS Supported Conference, University of Edinburgh (2023).
- Philip Gavin, ‘Regulating the Choice of Corporate Purpose’ in Global Corporate Law Series (2023).
- Philip Gavin, ‘The Scope of Directorial Autonomy Under Categorised and Narrative Accounts of Corporate Purpose’ in Society of Legal Scholars, Kings College London (2022).
- Philip Gavin, ‘“The Influence of Creditors on Corporate Direction Across Common Law Jurisdictions’ in PhD Seminar on Companies and Markets, University of Oslo (2021).
- Philip Gavin, ‘Imposing Stakeholder Hierarchies within the Duties of Directors: Contrasting the Approaches of the United Kingdom and Canada’ Doctoral Conference on Strategy, Innovation and International Business British Academy of Management (2021).
Irish Research Council Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship (2020).
Research Interests
Company Law; Corporate Governance; Equity; Corporate Finance; Law and Language