Martina Ozonyia

Assistant Lecturer
Tel: 01 220 5472
BA (Hons.) in Early Childhood Education, Dublin Institute of Technology
MA in Adult and Community Education, National University of Ireland, Maynooth
International MA in Early Childhood Education and Care (IMEC), Dublin Institute of Technology, Oslo University College (HiO) and University of Malta (awarded Erasmus Mundus Scholarship)
Ring, E., Mhic Mhathúna, M., Moloney, M., Hayes, N., Breathnach, D., Stafford, P., Carswell, D., Keegan, S., Kelleher, C., McCafferty, D., O’Keeffe, A., Leavy, A., Madden, R. and Ozonyia, M. (2016). An examination of concepts of school readiness among parents and educators in Ireland. Dublin: Department of Children and Youth Affairs. Available at:
Ozonyia, M. (2012) The Free Preschool Year in Ireland: The Perspectives of Early Childhood Educators and Policymakers. DIT Arrows. (MA thesis). Available at:
Research Interests
Policy development and research in Early Childhood Education and Care.
International MA in Early Childhood Education abstract published in Bowden, M., Gallagher, C. & Lalor, K. (Eds.) (2013). Booklet of Selected Theses from the MA in Criminology, MA in Law, MA in Child, Family and Community Studies and the International Masters in Early Childhood Education, 2010-2012. Dublin: School of Social Sciences and Law, DIT.
Interviewed by Irish Times on issues of equality, diversity and inclusion in the Early Years practice (“Why children have to be treated differently to be equal” Article published July 2, 2013)
Teaching Areas
Early Childhood Education (BA)- Research methods, Language, Literacy and Numeracy, Child Health and Nutrition, Supervision of Professional Practice Placements and Research Projects. MA- Research methods, Supervision of MA Research projects.