Clay Darcy

Image for Clay Darcy



Tel: +35312207414

Clay is a sociologist and lecturer at the School of Social Sciences, Law, and Education at Technological University Dublin.  He lectures on the BA in Early Childhood Education and Care and the BA in Community Development and Youth Work, teaching modules on wellbeing, family studies and community arts.  Clay has worked previously as an art teacher in a variety of educational settings and as a youth worker, specializing in the field of drug education.  Clay’s research interests include masculinities, illicit drug use, drug education, wellbeing, and rural and historical crime. He is also a practicing visual artist.

Clay welcomes research supervision opportunities in areas such as, the sociology of drug use, sociology of education, drug education and prevention, masculinities, child and youth wellbeing.


2017 - Doctor of Philosophy (Sociology), University College Dublin.

2013 - Master of Social Science (Sociology), University College Dublin.

2008 - Diploma in Web Design, Dublin Business School.

2005 - Bachelor of Business in Human Resource Management, National College of Ireland.

2003 - Bachelor of Arts in Art and Design Education, National College of Art & Design.

Peer Reviewed Publications

Darcy, C. (2024) ‘From Focus Groups in Community Settings to In-depth Interviews in Pubs: A Case Study on Researching Irish Men, Masculinities and Illicit Drug Use’. In Sage Research Methods: Diversifying and Decolonizing Research. SAGE Publications, Ltd.,

Darcy, C. (2023) ‘From larceny and concealed births to indecent assault and attempted suicide: A sociological analysis of rural crimes committed in three small Irish villages between 1941-1943’, International Journal of Rural Criminology, 8 (1), 82-16. 

Darcy, C. (2021) ‘Cohesive magic, creative expression: Community arts in Ireland and their beneficial role in Youth Work and Community Development’, Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies, 21, (1), 73-84.

Darcy, C. (2021) ‘Drug Education Best Practice for Health, Community and Youth Workers: A Practical and Accessible Tool-kit’, Health Education Journal, 80, (1), 28-39.

Darcy, C. (2020) ‘Precarious Positions of Understanding: The Illicit Drug Landscape and Drug Education in Ireland’, Irish Educational Studies, 40, (1), 1-13.

Darcy, C. (2020) ‘Men and the Drug Buzz: masculinities as an interpretative lens for understanding men’s recreational use of illicit drugs’, Sociological Research Online, 25 (3), 421-437.

Darcy, C. (2020) ‘A Psychoactive Paradox of Masculinities: cohesive and competitive relations between drug taking Irish men’, Gender, Place and Culture, Vol. 27, (2), 175-195.   

Darcy, C. (2019) ‘“We don’t really give a fiddlers about anything”: The ambiguity, contradiction and fluidity of Irish masculinities’, Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies, Vol. 19, (1), 16-32.

Darcy, C. (2018) ‘“You're with your ten closest mates ... and everyone is in the same kind of boat”: Friendship, Masculinities and Men's Recreational Use of Illicit Drugs’, AMITY: The Journal of Friendship Studies, Vol. 5, (1), 43-57.

Darcy, C. (2018) ‘The Precarious Position of Drug Education and Prevention Workers in Ireland’, The Economic and Social Review, Vol. 49, (3), 361-372.

Darcy, C. (2018) ‘Making the invisible visible: masculinities and men’s illicit recreational drug use’, Irish Journal of Sociology, Vol. 26, (1), 5-24.

Book Chapters

Darcy, C. and Tuite, E. (2023) Drug Misuse and Social Care. In: Share, P. and Lalor, K. (2023) Social Care Work: An introduction for students in Ireland (4th Ed). Dublin: Institute of Public Administration.

Book Reviews

Darcy, C. (2018) Review of ‘Boys, Masculinity and Reading – Gender Identity and Literacy as Social Practice’ by Laura Scholes. Routledge.  In: NORMA International Journal for Masculinity Studies.

Darcy, C. (2016) Review of ‘Indigenous Masculinities – legacies, identities, regeneration’ by Robert Innes and Kim Anderson.  University of Manitoba Press.  In: NORMA International Journal for Masculinity Studies, Published Online May 2016.

Darcy, C. (2016) Review of ‘Gender Roles in Ireland - Three decades of attitude change’ by Margaret Fine-Davis. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. In: Irish Journal of Sociology, April 2016, 24, 128-130.

Darcy, C. (2016) Review of ‘Key Concepts in Drugs and Society’ by Coomber, McElrath, Measham and Moore. Sage Publications. In: Irish Journal of Sociology, April 2016, 24, 125-128.

 Other Publications

Darcy, C. (2025) ‘Police Records and Rural Crime in 1940s Ireland: The Challenges of Using Historical Documents as Primary Sources in Sociological Research’. In Sage Research Methods Cases Part 1. SAGE Publications, Ltd.

Darcy, C. (2019) Rapid Spatial Survey – Seomra Youth Centre Mapping Exercise.  Wicklow, Ireland: Crosscare Bray Youth & Information Service.  

Darcy, C. (2019) ‘How to be safe around alcohol and drugs’: Results from a primary school-based drug education and prevention programme.  Wicklow, Ireland: Bray Drugs Awareness Forum and Crosscare Bray Youth & Information Service. 

Darcy, C. (2018) ‘“I learned how to stay safe from drugs”: Pupils’ learning from a primary school-based drug education and prevention programme’. Wicklow, Ireland: Bray Drugs Awareness Forum and Crosscare Bray Youth & Information Service.

Darcy, C. (2017) In response to: Haase and Pratschke (2017) ‘A Performance Measurement Framework for Drug and Alcohol Task Forces’.  Bray Local Drugs and Alcohol Task Force, Position Paper (06/2017). Wicklow, Ireland: Bray Local Drugs and Alcohol Task Force. 

Darcy, C. (2015) „Muži, kteří zírají do piva” [“Men Who Stare at Beer”](Trans. Stašová, E.), Lógr, Vol. 16, 20-23. 

Darcy, C. (2015) School Based Drug Education & Prevention Programme – A Manual for Youth Workers.  Wicklow, Ireland:  Bray Drugs Awareness Forum and Bray Youth & Information Services.

Darcy, C. (2013) A Survey of Drug Issues among Young People in Bray.  Wicklow, Ireland: Bray Drugs Awareness Forum and Bray Youth & Information Services.

Conference Presentations

Darcy, C. (2023) ‘Creating Inclusive Creative Learning Spaces: Reflections on the ‘Learning Together Programme’’, Technological University Dublin, Teaching & Learning Symposium, Dublin, March 2023.

Darcy, C. (2019) ‘Drug Education and Prevention in Ireland: Past, Present and Future?’, National Drug Education and Prevention Forum, Dublin, June 2019.

Darcy C. (2018) ‘“I learned how to stay safe from drugs”: Pupils’ learning from a primary school-based drug education and prevention programme’, Bray Drugs Awareness Forum, Wicklow, September 2018.

Darcy, C. (2016) ‘Pre and Post Tests: Findings from a school-based drug education and prevention programme’, Bray Drugs Awareness Forum Annual Conference, Wicklow, November 2016.

Darcy, C. (2016) ‘Drug Taking, Masculinities and Men's Quest for Pleasure and Excitement’, Sociological Association of Ireland Postgraduate Conference, National University of Ireland Maynooth NUIM, Ireland, November 2016. 

Darcy, C. (2016) ‘Masculinity and Men’s Controlled Drug Taking’, University College Dublin Research Festival, Dublin, June 2016.

Darcy, C. (2016) ‘Masculinity and Men’s Controlled Drug Taking’, Masculinities, Roles and Transitions Symposium, University of Leeds, United Kingdom, May 2016.

Darcy, C. (2016) ‘Masculinity and Men’s Controlled Drug Taking’ - University College Dublin Graduate Research Symposium, Dublin, May 2016.     

Darcy, C. (2015) ‘Irish Masculinities and Men's Competitive Recreational Use of Illicit Drugs’, Sociological Association of Ireland Postgraduate Conference, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, June 2015. 

Darcy, C. (2015) ‘Doing Drugs, Doing Masculinity: Using Researcher Made Artwork to Creatively Communicate Findings from PhD Research Exploring Irish Men’s Drug Use​’, International Conference on Masculinities: engaging men and boys for gender equality, Manhattan, New York, U.S.A., March 2015. 

Darcy, C. (2014) ‘A Contemporary Perspective on Irish Masculinity - A Qualitative Study’, Sociological Association of Ireland Postgraduate Conference, NUI Galway, March 2014.  

Darcy, C. (2014) ‘Masculinity and Drugs: the role of recreational drug use in the construction, maintenance and displaying of Irish masculinities’, University College Dublin, School of Sociology PhD Roundtable, Dublin, February 2014.  

Darcy, C. (2013) ‘Findings from A Survey of Drug Issues among Young People in Bray, 2013’, Bray Drugs Awareness Forum Annual Conference, Wicklow, November 2013.

Image for Clay Darcy