Bozena Dubiel

Tel: +353 01 220 741
PhD Bilingual Language Acquisition, Dublin City University
MA English Studies, University of Wrocław, Poland
BA Language Education, University of Wrocław, Poland
Full registration with The Teaching Council of Ireland
Bożena is a lecturer and researcher on the Early Childhood Education and Care programme. After completing her first two degrees, she worked as a secondary school teacher, a primary school language support teacher, an academic manager and a teacher trainer. Bożena moved to higher education while completing a PhD research study, which investigated language development in bilingual children. In addition to being active in research, Bożena collaborates with organisations and voluntary groups delivering invited talks, webinars and workshops for teachers and parents on the topics of language education and bilingualism.
Language, Culture and Identity, School Age Care, Child Protection, Psychology and Learning, Curriculum Design.
Language acquisition and development, Bilingualism, Language education, Equality & Diversity in education, Early Years and Primary Education.
I am actively involved in research and postgraduate research supervision. I welcome inquiries from potential new students interested in postgraduate research at any stage.
Current research students:
Suzanne McCarthy (MPhil) Heritage Languages in the Irish Primary School context: an investigation into teachers’ attitudes and pedagogical practice in the area of support for first language maintenance in bilingual pupils (co-supervised with Dr Aiden Carthy)
Árpad Volgyesi (PhD) Educational Integration for Refugee Children: Building an Inclusive Ireland: a participatory approach to exploring the challenges and opportunities for refugee children's education in Ireland (co-supervised with Dr Aiden Carthy)
Development of the Child HALA psycholinguistic test to assess relative language strength in young bilingual children (see: Dubiel and Guilfoyle, 2017). It has been developed in agreement with the research team at the University of Hawaii at Manoã, who designed the HALA test (O’Grady, Shafer, Perla, Lee & Wieting, 2009). The Child HALA has been used as a method of data collection at several European universities.
Dubiel, B. and Guilfoyle, E. (2021) Early shifts in the heritage language strength: A comparison of lexical access and accuracy in bilingual and monolingual children. International Journal of Bilingualism, 25(1), 21-39.
Dubiel, B. (2019) The assessment of language maintenance in bilingual children. Teanga, Special Issue 10, p. 94-112. DOI: 10.35903/teanga.v10i0
Dubiel, B. (2018) Minority language maintenance in bilingual speakers: from primary school to higher education, Universal Design & Higher Education in Transformation Congress,30th October -2nd November 2018, Dublin Castle. Available at:
Dubiel, B. and Guilfoyle, E. (2017) Language strength in bilingual children: The Child HALA test. Heritage Language Journal, 14 (1), p.1-29.
Dubiel, B. (2023) Plurilingual classrooms in a bilingual country: Languages in ECEC services and primary schools in Ireland. International Perspectives on Multilingual Childhoods, online seminar, 14.12.2023.
McCarthy, S. and Dubiel, B. (2022) Primary school teachers’ attitudes and practice in plurilingual classrooms. International Conference Future Challenges in Early Language Learning and Multilingual Education (ELLME 2022), Universidad de Granada, Spain. 22-24.06.2022
McCarthy, S. and Dubiel, B. (2021) Heritage languages in Irish primary schools. Thirteenth Heritage Language Research Institute, UCLA, California, USA. 07-10.06.2021
McCarthy, S. and Dubiel, B. (2021) Minority languages in the Irish primary school context: teachers’ attitudes and practice. 13th International Symposium on Bilingualism, University of Warsaw, Poland. 10-14.07.2021
Dubiel, B. (2019) Heritage languages in Irish primary schools. 2nd Mother Tongues Conference on Heritage Language Education in Ireland. The Teachers’ Club, 02.11.2019 [invited speaker]
Dubiel, B. (2018) Minority language maintenance in bilingual speakers: from primary school to higher education. Universal Design & Higher Education in Transformation Congress,30th October -2nd November 2018, Dublin Castle.
Dubiel, B. (2018) Acquisition of nouns in child heritage language across the primary school years. Language, Identity and Education in Multilingual Context. Marino Institute of Education. 1-3.02.2018
Dubiel, B. (2017) Language strength and maintenance in early sequential bilingual children. International Symposium on Bilingualism. Limerick, Ireland. 11-15.06.2017.
Dubiel, B. (2017) Assessment of Language Maintenance in bilingual children. Multilingualism in the Early Years Conference. Dublin Institute of Technology. 18-19.05.2017.
Dubiel, B. (2016) Timeline of changes in heritage lexical acquisition across the primary school years: evidence from Polish-English early sequential bilinguals. IRAAL annual conference: Paradigm shifting in applied linguistics: new theories and new methods, Trinity College Dublin, 19.11.2016
2021 Webinar for Mother Tongues: How to maintain your child’s heritage language during the school years.
2019 Teaching Council webinar on Childhood Bilingualism: invited panellist with Dr Francesca La Morgia and Professor Pádraig Ó Duibhir.