Evin McCarthy

Team Leader
Email: evin.mccarthy@tudublin.ie
Tel: +353 1 220 5860
Evin McCarthy has more than twenty years experience in applied research, primarily within the culture and heritage domains, where he has produced a range of interactive solutions covering in-house prototypes and back-end systems, to national resource portals and international research collaborations.
As design lead and manager of the DMC Studio (1997-2015) at DIT, he focused on producing functional, user-centred solutions within tightly defined budgets, team resources and timeframes. Much of his creative skill evolved through interpreting and making manifest the ideas of clients and collaborators, working with his team to build appropriately scaled applications from sketched UX treatments.
Evin has worked on a large number of Institute funded interactive services, and nationally he has worked on the PRTLI funded Digital Repository of Ireland; eight Enterprise Ireland funded projects (two that were proof of concept apps); and several Government Department funded initiatives, one being Ask About Ireland, and another being i3G - an interactive 3D environment and curating tool for the National Gallery of Ireland.
He developed international experience in prototyping, in UX, and in team and financial management while working on six EU funded projects; three Lifelong Learning Projects (language based apps); two Leonardo da Vinci projects (creative learning environments for 2nd and 3rd level students); and one FP7 Strep (structured narrative tools for public and professional research across museum and gallery collections). His perspectives from this time are now being applied in academia to postgraduate project development and mentoring on the MSc in Creative Digital Media and UX.
Research interests include creative pedagogy, applied user experience, personal knowledge management, and representations of genealogy and family history.
Lecturing Profile
Evin is an experienced MSc project supervisor (sixty student completions) and postgraduate lecturer in design for web, apps and games, the nature of UX, and clear communication around project definition. He lectures to undergraduates on the Photography degree at the East Quad, providing imaging and fundamental camera handling, digital capture and manipulation skills, along with patterns for successfully managing large digital image collections.
He strives in his lecturing role to actively encourage the freeing of innate creative capacities and for students to find the expression of their individual critical voices on the way to becoming empowered professionals.