Susanna Nocchi
Tel: 01 2205501
Susanna Nocchi is a Lecturer in Italian and Applied Linguistics. She is Lead Tutor for Italian at TU Dublin.
Susanna has a First Honours Degree in Foreign Languages and Literature from the University of Pisa (Italy), an MPhil in Applied Linguistics from Trinity College Dublin (Ireland), and a PhD in Applied Linguistics from Dublin City University (Ireland). Her doctoral thesis “The affordances of virtual worlds for language learning” can be downloaded at the following link:
Susanna Nocchi is an Executive Board member of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA and Coordinator for the AILA Applied Linguistics Book Series, published by Benjamins. Susanna is also Treasurer of the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics (IRAAL ), of which she has been President from 2018 to 2021.
Recently, Susanna Nocchi has joined the Executive Board of ILSA (Insegnanti di Italiano come lingua seconda associati - )
As a long standing member of EuroCALL, Susanna is now co-chairing their Extended Reality and Game-Based Language Learning SIG.
Susanna is also actively involved in the promotion and safeguard of multilingualism in Ireland. In this role, she is one of the funding members and past secretary (2011-2018) of the One Voice for Languages Network, an umbrella group promoting the importance and benefits of language learning for Ireland.
AILA Applied Linguistics Book Series - Coordinator
Programme Committee member of the EuroCALL annual conferences
Programme Committee member of the ECEL conferences (European Conference on E-Learning)
Scientific committee member of the IRAAL annual conferences
Scientific committee member of the ILRN annual conferences
Susanna Nocchi has been involved in training teachers of foreign languages since 2004. She has designed and held courses and workshops for Italian Institutes of Culture in different countries (Ireland, Croatia, India, Japan), for the Goethe Institute in Dublin, and for EuroCALL. Susanna Nocchi has also published teaching material for students of Italian as a foreign language (see some of her publications at
Susanna Nocchi’s research interest is in the area of Applied Linguistics, specifically in Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), where she researches in immersive environments for language teaching and learning, and audio visual translation. She has also conducted research in language policy.
Co-ordinator of the #LanguagesPathways project ( funded by the Irish Post-Primary Languages Initiative (PPLI). The project received its second funding in 2022.
DigiLanguages project ( funded by the Irish National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning.
2023 Bertoni, S., Nocchi, S. Affare Fatto!2, Edilingua.
2023 Bertoni, S., Nocchi, S. “Inclusione delle regole o regole dell’inclusione? Esperienze sul campo”. In D. D’Eugenio & A. Gelmi (eds) Rappresentare per includere. Metodi, strumenti e testi per un Italiano plurale. Franco Cesati Editore: Firenze.
2022 Erdocia, I., Nocchi, S. & Ruane, M. “Ideas, power and agency: Policy actors and the formulation of language-in-education policy for multilingualis”, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 45(7), 2848–2862.