Dr Róisín Burke
Senior Lecturer
Email: roisin.burke@tudublin.ie
Tel: +353 1 220 6035
Róisín obtained her Ph.D. from University College Dublin and subsequently carried out postdoctoral research at the Agricultural University in Wageningen, The Netherlands. She is a Senior Lecturer in the Technological University, Dublin (TU Dublin), specialising in Culinary Science and Food Product Development. In the last sixteen years she has developed Molecular Gastronomy as a subject discipline in the school. She supervised the first ever Ph.D. in Molecular Gastronomy in Ireland and is currently supervising a number of funded Ph.D. students. She has given guest lectures in Ireland and abroad.
Róisín has published widely in international peer reviewed journals and has joined editorial teams. For many years, she has been lecturing to international students and is the TU Dublin co-ordinator of the Erasmus+ M.Sc. programme in Food Innovation and Product Design (FIPDes, https://www.fipdes.eu). Recently she was awarded Erasmus+ funding for a KA220-HED project focusing on co-operation partnerships in higher education.
Research Interest
Molecular Gastronomy; Culinary Science; Note by Note cooking; 3D Food Printing; Protein ingredient alternatives to meat
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