Franklyn Jacoby

Tel: +353 1 220 6026
Frank has been a lecturer within the TU Dublin’s School of Culinary Arts and Food Technology for over 25 years and has been directly involved in the hospitality industry for over 45 years, maintaining his commitment to this exciting and ever changing high-tech, service based profession. His twenty-six years of learning and teaching experience within the School has provided him with invaluable skills and academic qualifications that have been integral to the facilitation of learners across a wide variety of third-level under-graduate and post-graduate programmes.
Since joining TU Dublin (formerly the Dublin Institute of Technology) in 1995, he has gained particular experience and key skills in the education and training of adults within the VET and HE sectors while engaging in continuous professional development initiatives relational to third-level learning, teaching, and assessment.
Franks particular academic interests and research supervision lie in the fields of food and culture, science, and product development. He has both graduate and post-graduate qualifications in music, professional cookery, information technology, and education.
Research Interests
food and culture, food science, food product development, information technology, music, and education
View Publications and Research Outputs on ORCID, Scopus and ResearchGate
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