Dr Fernanda Lima Rabelo

Postdoctoral Researcher
Email: fernanda.limarabelo@tudublin.ie
Fernanda is a postdoctoral researcher developing research related to sustainable skills and educational tools for the tourism and hospitality sector in an Erasmus+-funded project. She carried out research in the areas of education and curriculum, educational landscape and policies, tourism policies and skills development, ethnography, gender studies, social memory and diversity and equality in the hospitality sector. She is currently working on the Pantour Project, an Erasmus + funded project (2022-2026), in partnership with 13 partners from 11 European countries, including 4 universities, 8 industry partners and the European Tourism Association (ETOA), and in the project Diversity & Intercultural Inclusion in Hospitality (D&ICIH) (2022): promoting intercultural awareness and integrating best practices among the TU Dublin community, funded by the Directorate of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion of TU Dublin.
Research interests:
Education and Skills Development for Sustainability in Hospitality and Tourism
Educational landscape and policies in Hospitality and Tourism
Equality, diversity and inclusion
Gender studies
Heritage and Social Memory Studies
Latin American studies
Social Media: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fernandarabelo/