Dr Christopher Boylan

Assistant Lecturer
Email: christopher.boylan@tudublin.ie
Christy has spent his entire career working in horticulture and, along with an abiding interest in people, it continues to light up his life. In 2009, he joined ITB (now TU Dublin), and delivers 4th year modules on the BSc in Horticulture programme.
In an earlier epoch, Christy worked as a landscape architect on the development of public parks in the Dublin region. Eventually he progressed to the position of Parks Superintendent with South Dublin County Council where he managed the Parks & Landscape Services Department for many years. Providing opportunities for horticulture staff to develop, which he sees as crucial, he played a leading role in establishing the World Parks Academy. A collaborative venture with Indiana University and World Urban Parks, this Academy provides accreditation for parks professionals globally.
To effect real change, Christy also found that we need to work together. Thus, over the years he developed extensive professional affiliations with diverse groups, from the Irish Landscape Institute to the Tree Council of Ireland, which he helped establish in 1985. Likewise, Christy helped foster international networks through World Urban Parks, becoming the inaugural winner of the Distinguished Individual Award from that body in 2015.
A keen interest in the power of community involvement in implementing environmental improvements led to Christy's participation as an adjudicator for the Tidy Towns Competition. He also represents Ireland across Europe as an adjudicator for Entente Florale Europe.