Dr Julie Maisel

Image for Dr Julie  Maisel


Email: Julie.maisel@tudublin.ie

Dr. Julie Maisel (DM, MM, BME)

Julie Maisel received her Doctorate of Music and Master of Music in Performance from Florida State University, and her Bachelor of Music Education from the University of Southern Mississippi.  Since 2005 she has been a lecturer in flute performance at the TU Dublin Conservatoire where she also serves as the International Relations Co-ordinator.   She currently is chair of the National Flute Association Gala Awards Dinner, is the International Liaison for Ireland for the National Flute Association and is a board member and assistant secretary for The Flutopia Initiative.  She has had articles published in the professional journals,  Flute Talk and Flutist’s Quarterly.

Maisel, an active soloist and chamber musician, has presented numerous recitals throughout Ireland and in the US.  She has performed with the RTE National Symphony Orchestra, the Pro Arte Orchestra, the Opera Theatre Company, the Irish Film Orchestra, the Dublin Sound Lab, and the Irish Baroque Orchestra.  Performances have included the Kaleidoscope Music Series, the Castleknock Music Festival, the Castletown Music Series, Lunchtime Concerts in Hugh Lane Gallery, and St. Martin-in-the-Fields (London).  She has also performed in the 2013, 2018 and 2020 National Flute Association Conventions. In 2018 she released her debut CD, Flute Music of Luigi Zaninelli, available on her website:  www.juliemaiselflute.com.

She facilitates the (NYOI) National Youth Orchestra of Ireland Audition Training Workshops and has taught in Leeson Park School of Music, Walton's New School of Music and Newpark Music Centre.  Dr Maisel has served as adjudicator for the Yamaha Winds and Brass Scholarship Finals and for the Interschools Music Festival in Wesley College. 

Image for Dr Julie  Maisel