Paula Hughes

M.Ed., BA, BMus, HDipEd, ALCM, LTCL, ARIDip, CSC.
Paula Hughes began her Piano studies with Nuala Moran and then moved to the College of Music (now the TU Dublin Conservatoire) where she studied Piano with Evelyn Healy and organ with Peter Sweeney.
Paula graduated from UCD with an honours BA (1998), BMus (1999) and HDipEd (2000). She subsequently joined TU Dublin Conservatoire (formerly, DIT Conservatory of Music and Drama) in 1990 and is a member of both the Keyboard and Academic Studies departments. During this time Paula has held many posts of responsibility including programme chair of DT604 and coordinator of Second Study for DT501. Paula has worked as organist and accompanist for numerous choirs and has competed at competitions throughout the country.
An interest and passion for high quality music education for the early years led Paula to become involved in the development of the TU Dublin Kids Club and Pre-Instrumental programmes. She also set up an outreach programme for TU Dublin (DIT at the time) called Music Making for Families which delivered workshops throughout Leinster and worked with the NCH in their family workshop programme.
A member of ISME, Paula has presented a workshop at the MISTEC conference in Prague. Working with colleagues from TCD and UCLA, the team presented a workshop entitled - Video as Pedagogy: Scaffolding, Supporting, Structuring and Sustaining Teacher reflection in music education.
As part of her Masters in Music Education (Trinity College Dublin, 2019), Paula’s research focused on pedagogical strategies to develop creativity in both teachers and students. This research interest was ignited by Paula’s involvement with the DIT IDEA Camp from its foundation in 2014. Paula is now the academic lead on this project as the team explore creative ways of taking this project to the next level.