Clare Bell

Assistant Lecturer
Tel: +35312205872
Clare Bell is a practicing designer, researcher, and lecturer on the BA Visual Communication degree course. A graduate of Central Saint Martins (BA Hons Graphic Design), she worked for a number of years as an editorial designer at The Guardian newspaper, working on design across the daily broadsheet, G2 features supplement, and Weekend magazine. Prior to this she was a senior designer at Radio Teilifís Éireann (RTÉ).
She is co-coordinator and founder member of Typography Ireland monthly seminar group (and practice-based meeting group TypeClub) at GradCAM, and represents Ireland both as country delegate and as a board member of Association Typographique Internationale (ATypI). She was co-organiser and co-programmer of ‘The Word 2010’, ATypI’s annual conference hosted by DIT in Dublin, and co-founder, co-organiser and co-programmer of Face Forward International Typography Conference 2015, also hosted by DIT in Dublin. She is an assessor on the annual Assessment Scheme of the International Society of Typographic Designers.
She is currently undertaking PhD research entitled ‘Typography, culture and society: the visual representation of the Irish language in Northern Ireland’ at DIT. As a practicing designer recent clients include Face Forward International Typography Conference, The Joinery, IMRAM Irish Language Literature Festival, In Print journal, Typography Ireland, NCAD/GradCAM (Object Matters: Making 1916), and ATypI (The Word 2010).
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