Brenda Dermody

Tel: +35312205873
Brenda Dermody is a graphic designer, and design educator with an interest in typography. She teaches on the BA Design Visual Communication, and the MA in Professional Design Practice at DIT. She studied at The National College of Art and Design Dublin and has worked for a range of clients including, AtypI, The Office of Public Works, Poolbeg Press, Salmon Poetry, Trinity College Dublin and Thames & Hudson. She has designed several series of books for visual arts publisher RotoVision.
Her work has been included in Women in Graphic Design, Breuer & Meer (eds.) published by Jovis Verlag in 2012. Her bookNewRetro:Classic Graphics, Todays Designs (2009) was written with Teresa Breathnach and published in three languages, by Thames & Husdon.
She combines her design work with her role as a full time lecturer at the Dublin Institute of Technology. She chaired the BA in Design Visual Communication from 2000 to 2006. In 2004 She completed an MA in Third Level Education at DIT and won the DIT President’s Award for teaching excellence.
She has published a number of peer reviewed papers on design education.
Dermody served on the council of the Institute of Designers in Ireland (IDI) and represents Ireland on the education team of the International Society of Typographic Designers (ISTD). She was on the organising committee for the AtypI (Association Typographique Internationale) annual conference held in Dublin in 2010. She is a member of the An Post Stamp Design Advisory Committee.