Catherine Spencer

Language Studies Lead
Tel: 01 220 5496
B.A. Applied Languages, DCU, M.A. Translation Studies DCU, PhD University of Birmingham, PG Diploma Higher Education & MSc Education TU Dublin
Dr Catherine Spencer is Language Studies Lead at TU Dublin where she has worked since 2002.
Prior to taking up her current role as Language Studies Lead in November 2022, she lectured at University of Graz, Austria, in the School of Applied Language & Intercultural Studies at DCU and has lectured on a range of TU Dublin programmes. She has been co-ordinator of the BA (Hons) Languages & International Tourism programme and has had a role in a number of university-wide initiatives. Catherine’s teaching interests and experience are primarily in German language, Translation, Intercultural Studies and Identity & Memory. She was an Integrate Team Lead in the National Forum IMPACT project at TU Dublin and a member of the TU Dublin, Cinnte Review Steering Committee. She is also Language Pool Liaison in WP2.1 Inclusiveness & Embeddedness, working with partners in Language Studies across the EUt+ Alliance.
Catherine’s research interests include post-war Austrian identity and memory and Learner identity. More recent research has focused on students’ educational mobility experiences and collaborative online learning. She has served as Co-Chair of the German Studies Association of Ireland, and as external examiner at Munster Technological University.
Catherine currently teaches Translation to UG students, co-supervises PhD students in Language Studies in the area of intercultural adjustment and she is co-ordinator of the TU Dublin #Languages Connect initiative.