Retail Symposium 2020: Customer Loyalty Management in Retailing

05 Feb, 2020 - 06 Feb, 2020 9.30am - 4.30pm City Centre, Aungier Street
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Store loyalty has been defined as consumers' inclination to patronise a given store or chain of stores over time.  The importance of nurturing customer/store loyalty is well accepted as a pre-requisite for retail success, even though arriving at an accurate understanding of loyalty is problematic. Retailers constantly advocate the importance of loyalty which could be conceptually viewed more of a journey than a destination. Many fundamental questions about loyalty within a 21st century context remain unanswered; Is there greater promiscuity within retail consumption?, what are the most effective strategies to increase loyalty?, what are the most appropriate measures of loyalty? and what are the role of loyalty schemes?

The symposium will be host to an eclectic mix of views from senior retail executives, customer insight experts and international retail academics on issues pertaining customer loyalty management in retailing. The audience will consist of TU Dublin undergraduate and post-graduate students, PhD students, academic staff, and many of TU Dublin’s corporate retail partners.

International post graduate students are welcome from partner universities with zero fee implications.  This year, we are happy to host professors and students from the University of Parma in Italy for a fifth consecutive year.

See here for Full Schedule - 5th February Retail Symposium 2020 and 6th February Retail Symposium 2020.

For further information, please contact:

Dr. Edmund O’Callaghan, Head of Department of Retail Management Studies
E: T: 00353-1-4027062 

Damian O’Reilly, Senior Lecturer, School of Retail & Services Management
E: T: 00353-1-4027044