Patrick O'Connell: The Man who saved FC Barcelona: Exhibition and Screening

10 Oct, 2022 - 16 Dec, 2022 All Day
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TU Dublin Library Services are delighted to host the Patrick O'Connell exhibition across all our library locations in the coming months.  The exhibition is currently on display in our Tallaght Library.  It will be open to TU Dublin staff and students, and members of the public to view until December 16th, 2022.

Patrick O'Connell was born at 11 Jones Terrace, now the entrance to Hill 16 at Croke Park.

He was a man of firsts - the first Irishman to captain Manchester United football club, the first man to lead Real Betis to their first Spanish Football Championship and a member of the Irish team who won their first-ever international football tournament.

From 1935 to 1940, Patrick O'Connell was manager of F.C. Barcelona; he is attributed with saving the club from financial ruin by taking his team on the tour of salvation to Mexico, raising enough monies to keep the club alive during the Spanish Civil War.

Here is a man whose life transcended the Easter Rising, World War I, The Spanish Civil War and World War II.... one of the greatest stories in Irish sporting history. Yet very few people know about Patrick O'Connell's story.

To celebrate the launch of the Patrick O'Connell exhibition, we will be screening the 'Don Patricio O'Connell' documentary. Watch the trailer.

Date: Wednesday 19th October

Venue: TU Dublin Tallaght Library

Time: 18:30 – Documentary screening and talk by Fergus Dowd and Gerry Farrell. – open to the public with Eventbrite bookings.

Venue: Lecture theatre number 001 in TU Dublin Tallaght, Main Building. Directions to Tallaght Campus.

Attendance is FREE, but numbers are limited, so please book in advance: