Developing the Power Tools to Measure Success: A Masterclass on Social Impact Measurement
Loosely defined, Social impact is “the effect that occurs on people and communities as a result of an action or inaction, an activity, a project, a programme or a policy”.
All organisations will make a social impact; some will be positive and some will be negative.
On Wednesday June 16th 2021, Dr Francis McGeough, a lecturer from the Master of Arts in Management for the Non-Profit Sector, will present a masterclass webinar to those who wish to measure the positive social impact of their organisation.
The class will consider questions such as:
- What are we trying to do?
- What do we need to do in order to achieve these goals? How do we define success?
- How can we measure success?
- How will we know when we have succeeded?
- How can we do better over time?
Programme outline
- 10:00am - 11:30am – Masterclass
- 11:30am - 12:00pm – Questions and Answers
To register for this webinar, please email, by 10:00am on Wednesday 16th June.