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TU Dublin Environment & Planning Lecturer initiates policy dialogue on the Regeneration of O'Connell Street

Published: 20 Jun, 2022

TU Dublin Environment & Planning Lecturer, Odran Reid, recently initiated a dialogue and process on the regeneration of O'Connell Street. 

Speaking at the Dublin City Council Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) on Planning and Urban Form on Tuesday, 3rd May 2022, Odran Reid said that “It is time to identify what the vision and function of O’Connell Street is. This is a complex street that is trying to be a bit of everything and achieving a lot less than it should be. The street and its environs have the potential to be both beautiful and dynamic, but is now only a thoroughfare that has the feeling of neglect and being unsafe at different times of the day and night, despite great work done by the City Council and the Lord mayor. Its time for long term strategic thinking on this important area.” 

An in-depth and wide-ranging discussion followed and it was agreed the SPC would continue the dialogue and to pursue actions towards the regeneration of Dublin's most important street. 

Odran Reid is an outside member of the Dublin City Council Planning and Urban Form SPC, representing the Irish Planning Institute.  The committee prepares and debates policy alternatives for economic and development affairs for Dublin City Council.  Areas of responsibility for the Planning and Urban Form SPC include the following: -

More information about the SPC can be found at:

The full discussion on the regeneration of O'Connell Street can be found at: Planning and Urban Form SPC - Tuesday, 3rd May 2022 at 3:30pm - Dublin City Council Webcasting (