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The NEMOS partners consolidated goals and tools at their 4th Transnational Meeting

Published: 9 Oct, 2023

Integrating #sustainability into #food related degrees through #servicelearning! Read about the latest achievements of the NEMOS project discussed at their 4th transnational meeting, hosted by ISARA Lyon on 2-3 October 2023.

The #nemosproject is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

#highereducation #highered #ErasmusPlus #erasmusplusproject #greenpedagogies

PAGE - Pisa Agricultural Economics Università di Pisa Universidad P��blica de Navarra Technological University Dublin Graz University of Technology IGCAT - International Institute of Gastronomy, Arts and Tourism Sabrina Tomasi Annapia Ferrara Julie Dunne Catherine Barry-Ryan Iosune Cantalejo Díez Michael Murkovic Sami Ghnimi Fabrizia Toccoli