THE Impact Rankings 2023 - TU Dublin secures place in Top 100 globally for SDG 1, 11 and 13

Published: 20 Jul, 2023

The Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings measures the contribution of participating universities to the 17 United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 2023 Impact Rankings was the fifth edition of the performance ranking and involved 1,625 universities from 112 countries/regions. Participation in the rankings saw an increase of 10% up from 2022, widening the global league table.

TU Dublin has ranked in the Top 100 universities globally for contribution on three of the 17 United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the second year running. 

THE Impact rankings 2023 SDGS


Review the results in full detail


Students around Ireland and globally are leaders in advocating for social justice and demanding climate action so it’s important that their universities are also leading by example. TU Dublin commits to take urgent climate action to achieve carbon neutrality across its operations, foster societal resilience through an inclusive and inspiring education model, develop open research and innovation, and enhance citizen agency at all levels for positive change.

In March 2023, TU Dublin published the first iteration of the University’s Climate Action Roadmap, setting out a timeline to reduce TU Dublin's greenhouse gas emissions by 51% by 2030 and to increase energy efficiency by 50% by 2030. 

To support the targets set out in the Climate Action Roadmap, TU Dublin is finalising the first iteration of the University's  Sustainability Strategy following an extensive process of cooperation, consultation, and collaboration with students, teaching staff, academics, professional services staff, industry, and local communities. The Sustainability Strategy will ultimately align actions, opportunities, strategy, and accountability to achieving targets set out in the Climate Action Roadmap. This ambitious strategy will engender a whole-of-University approach to engaging in delivering on our sustainability goals and to work collectively to limit global warming to ensure a safe future for our planet the next generations.

TU Dublin welcomes the 2024 phase of the THE Impact Rankings where we will aspire to perform higher across more SDG categories.