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Sustainability Education Team work in partnership with TU Dublin SU Officers

Published: 9 Jul, 2023

The Sustainability Education Team were delighted to meet the newly-elected TU Dublin SU Officers on 07 July as part of an event designed to explore possibilities for collaboration on sustainability and climate action within TU Dublin. In an engaging workshop, the group delved into sustainability-related strategies and actions at TU Dublin and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Also explored was Green Comp, the European competency framework for sustainability.

Using Lego kits, the SU Officers and the Sustainability Education Team embarked on a creative hands-on task to visualise the competences that resonated most profoundly with each of them. A sense of shared purpose and commitment to effect real change came through strongly as everyone’s creations were discussed.  

The workshop finished with a brainstorming session, generating lots of exciting and innovative ideas for how the group could harness the power of collaboration to empower the student voice in relation to the SDGs.  

Lego workshop

Lego workshop

Students are highly motivated to make change happen, and when students and staff work in collaboration, the possibilities are even greater. Students Organising for Sustainability UK endorse this approach, saying:

‘When students lead on sustainability they develop the knowledge, values, skills, and competencies required to make them great sustainability leaders. We don’t just want organisations to do sustainability for students, it should be done by, with, and through students.’ 

This workshop laid the foundation for a strong partnership between the Student's Union and the Sustainability Team and the potential to drive significant impact within our campus and beyond. The Sustainability Education Team are looking forward to working in partnership with the Student's Union and colleagues to support students to build their leadership skills for sustainability.