Step Up for the Planet - Join the Green Campus Climate Challenge
As part of TU Dublin's Green-Campus Open Call, TU Dublin, together with Global Action Plan (GAP), invites students and staff to be part of a powerful movement for change with the Green-Campus Climate Challenge 2025.
Using cutting-edge tools, the gamified challenge tracks your personal carbon-saving actions and shows the real-time impact of your efforts. It’s not just about winning – it’s about proving how even small, daily changes can make a big difference for the planet.
We know the climate crisis feels overwhelming – the scale of the problem and the urgency to act can leave anyone feeling powerless. By joining the challenge, you can demonstrate in the ripple effect of individual actions, and experience how your choices inspire others, creating a culture of awareness and collective impact. You’ll not only reduce your carbon footprint but also start conversations about what’s possible when we rethink our habits and consumption patterns.
The Green-Campus Climate Challenge is more than just data – it’s about community and action. Across all TU Dublin campuses, teams can come together to compete, track their progress and celebrate their achievements. Teams can be formed from class groups, societies, programmes, schools or professional services teams.
Speaking of the new collaboration and challenge GAP CEO, Hans Zomer, said:
The climate crisis can feel overwhelming, but the Green-Campus Climate Challenge 2025 is a powerful way to show how small, local actions can add up to big changes. By taking part in the Challenge, TU Dublin students and staff can discover the power of informed climate action. And they can increase the impact of their actions exponentially, beginning a virtuous cycle of environmentally aware citizens inspiring each other. The Green-Campus Climate Challenge is an opportunity to discover the power that each of us has to make a change.
So why wait? Gather a team, join the movement and experience how good things happen when we work together for a greener future.
Get ready to sign up for the TU Dublin Green Campus Challenge 2025, and let’s show the World what we can achieve when we act with passion and purpose.
For more information and to see a demo of the tool watch the video clip below.