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Climate Action Week Keynote: Climate Psychology - with Dr Eoin Galavan, Psychological Society of Ireland

Published: 13 Oct, 2023

Are you interested in how climate change is affecting your emotions? Are you suffering from any form of climate anxiety or stress?

Well why not come to TU Dublin during Climate Action Week for a safe space discussion on Climate Psychology with Dr Eoin Galavan of the Psychological Society of Ireland. Together we will discuss and raise awareness of climate change, the environmental emergency and how psychology can help us understand and resolve these issues. 

This is a fee event with limited tickets available.

Book your ticket now

Where: TU Dublin, Bolton Street, BST-333

When: Monday 16 October, 11:30am - 12:30pm

Dr. Eoin Galavan is a Senior Clinical and Counselling Psychologist with the HSE Adult Mental Health Services, and is the Secretary and Vice-chairperson of the Special Interest Group for Addressing Climate and Environmental Emergency with the Psychological Society of Ireland. The primary goal of this group is for the public benefit, to help raise awareness of climate change and the environmental emergency and how psychology can help us understand and resolve these issues.

Sustainability Policy Analyst at TU Dublin, and An Taisce Climate Ambassador Michael Noonan will introduce Dr Galavan and give students an overview of how they can get involved in climate action and climate leadership at TU Dublin.

Set within the Planning for Resilience class group of Planning & Environmental Management, this talk is open to student and staff who are interested in climate change and fostering more sustainable behaviours , and how in turn we can use psychology to deal with the climate crisis.

This event has a dual aspect that supports Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3: Good Health and Well-being and SDG 13: Climate Action. This talk is suitable for people of all backgrounds.