A Whole of Institution Approach to Health and Wellbeing

Published: 3 Jun, 2024

The Higher Education Authority (HEA) 'A Whole of Institution Approach to Health and Wellbeing' Conference was held in the Clayton Hotel in Dublin on 05 June 2024 and was attended by TU Dublin staff Dr Teresa Hurley, Jennifer Farrell, Aisling O’ Brien, Jennifer Scott and Linda Murray.

The conference highlighted the need for a “whole-of-campus approach” to the roll out of Healthy Campus, Health and Wellbeing initiatives in a sustainable way. An overview was provided on national initiatives including provision of an Open Course in Health & Wellbeing available in the autumn for students and staff, provision of a self-evaluation toolkit for Healthy Campus Co-ordinators, including a repository of health and wellbeing case studies and best practice.

TU Dublin Healthy Campus presented two case studies at the conference:

Both case studies will be included in the Open Course and National Healthy Campus Repository.