A proposed new University-wide approach to carpark management
Carparks which had previously operated without a managed system of permitting and pay & display will join a single managed system. These include carparks at Tallaght, Airton Close, Premier House, Aungier Street and Bolton Street.
Taking place in September and October 2024, TU Dublin will deliver a series of University-wide engagements sessions in person (and hybrid) to give an overview of new and proposed changes to parking management, take questions, and gather feedback.
These engagement sessions will inform TU Dublin’s implementation of parking management while highlighting the terms set out in the Public Sector Climate Action Strategy 2023-25 with respect to public sector institutions.
Interested staff and students are invited to attend, please select a session at your campus and enter your email to receive further information.
Details will be sent by email and where hybrid options are available participants will be shared a link to attend remotely as an option.
RSVP form is now closed - if you want to attend but haven't registered please contact Rebecca.Flanagan@tudublin.ie to be added to the Teams calendar invite.
Presentations will be made by Sustainability Events and Senior Media Coordinator, Rebecca Flanagan, and Environmental and Sustainability Manager, Mark Geraghty; Topics discussed will include:
- Smarter Travel for Campuses programme update (NTA sustainable and active travel programme)
- Terms set out in the Public Sector Climate Action Strategy 2023-25 in relation to Public Sector parking
- Permit costs and revenue
- Delivery
- Q&A
- Bolton Street, Wednesday 25 September, 1-2pm, Room BST-236
- Tallaght, Friday 27 September 1-2pm, Room TMB-029
- Blanchardstown, Tuesday 01 October 12-1pm, Room BA-031
- Grangegorman, Wednesday 02 October 1-2pm, Room EQ-002
- Aungier Street, Wednesday 02 October 3-4pm, Room AST5-050