Healthy Campus - Quit Smoking and Vaping Programme
The Quit Smoking and Vaping Programme is a Healthy Campus initiative in conjunction with the HSE, Empower, Fingal County Council, Sláinte Care and Healthy Ireland. It provides a free 7-10 week stop smoking programme, offering group support, one-to-one support and free Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) to students and staff in TU Dublin.
Avail of FREE, friendly and confidential one-to-one support from HSE Stop Smoking Advisors in person, over the phone or by video call and FREE stop smoking medication (Nicotine Replacement Therapy patch + gum/lozenge/spray/inhalator). Your advisor will check in with you weekly over the first four weeks to help you create a quit plan, set a quit date and manage cravings and challenging situations.
HSE Corduff Quit Smoking and Vaping Service is open to support TU Dublin students and staff based in our Blanchardstown campus.
For more information:
Call the HSE CHO Dublin North City and County Health & Wellbeing team on 018976124, email, or click here to register for a call back from a Stop Smoking Advisor
Grangegorman, Aungier Street and Bolton Street
The HSE Grangegorman Quit Smoking and Vaping Service is open to support TU Dublin students and staff based at our Grangegorman, Aungier Street and Bolton Street campuses.
Call the HSE CHO Dublin North City and County Health & Wellbeing team on 018976124, email, or click here to register for a call back from a Stop Smoking Advisor
HSE Kilnamanagh/ Tymon Quit Smoking and Vaping Service is open to support TU Dublin students and staff based in our Tallaght campus.
For more information:
Call the HSE Health Promotion and Improvement Officer Alan McDonnell on 087-6131061 or email: – HSE Kilnamanagh/ Tymon Primary Care Centre, Airton Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24, D24CF75.