The Gender-Sensitive University: A Contradiction in Terms?
The Gender-Sensitive University: A Contradiction in Terms? is an output of the SAGE (Systemic Action for Gender Equality) project, which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 71053.
Edited by Eileen Drew and Siobhán Canavan (TCD) and with TU Dublin contributions from Sara Clavero (chapter 2), Mary Kinahan, Julie Dunn and Jean Cahill (chapter 4), and Yvonne Galligan (chapter 7), this book explores the prevailing forces that pose obstacles to driving a gender-sensitive university, which include the emergence of far-right movements that seek to subvert advances towards gender equality, and managerialism that promotes creeping corporatism. The book demonstrates that awareness of gender equality and gender sensitivity are essential for pulling contemporary academia back from the brink. The concept of a gender-sensitive university requires re-envisioning academia to meet these challenges, as does a different engagement of men and a shift towards fluidity in how gender is formulated and performed. The book chapters analyse the challenges and advocate the possibilities to ‘fix the university forward’ in all areas.