Stephen Tsambo

Image for Stephen Tsambo

Champion Theme: Employability

Stephen Tsambo is registered on the BA (Hons) in Social Care at TU Dublin and is based in the GrangeGorman campus. He is a member of the TU Dublin Students Union Council.  He is a TU Dublin N-TUTORR Student Champion engaging in the thematic area of Education in Sustainability.

As a student of social care, Stephen is inspired by equal access to quality of life and the sustainable development goals He is an advocate for social change and is passionate about this topic. He is striving to create greater awareness of the impact of sustainability in education and the impact on employability. He is engaging in activities for the N-TUTORR project such as hosting workshops, panel discussions, and podcasts around education and employability to ensure that this creates an impact on staff and students in the University and transforming the student experience.

Image for Stephen Tsambo