Access2CS – Try me!

Image for Access2CS  – Try me!

Claudia Fernandez Rivera


"Access2CS – Try me!" helps Disability Support students at TU Dublin to try out Assistive Technology (AT).

They can book appointments to test AT devices with their AT officers before making a purchase. This idea comes from knowing that it's hard for students to get AT due to potentiall high costs, it might not be compatible wiith other devices, and needs upkeep.

We want to make sure students can get what they need without any problems. Access2CS – Try me!" is a service aimed at improving access to Assistive Technology (AT) for registered Disability Support Services (DSS) students at TU Dublin. Students, along with their AT officers, can schedule appointments to test AT devices before making any purchases. This initiative is born out of the recognition of the challenges faced in accessing AT, including high costs, compatibility issues, and maintenance, and the essential need to effectively address user requirements.

This Fellowship project is a collaboration between the School of Computer Science and the Disability Support Service.

Image for Access2CS  – Try me!