Dr Phil Anne Mulvaney

Image for Dr Phil Anne Mulvaney

Improving the Water Quality & Enhancing the Environmental & Amenity Value of Local Urban Streams.

Email: Phil.Mulvaney@TUDublin.ie

This project aims to improve the water quality and to enhance the environmental and amenity value of local streams on or near the TU Dublin Tallaght CampusIt comprises:

  • a citizen science project to examine levels of pollution, using a citizen science version of  the Irish EPA Small Streams Risk Score (SSRS); 
  • a ‘cleaning-up project’ to remove litter from the streams and plant orchids, carried out in conjunction with local community groups; and 
  • a more scientifically advanced research project by Final Year Pharmaceutical Science students on water contamination, that will test the water for specific metals such as lead, BOD, COD and some high molecular weight organic contaminants. 

The project aligns with the Tallaght Village Tidy Towns project and the TU Dublin Green Campus application for Green Flag status. 


Image for Dr Phil Anne Mulvaney