Why might we want to introduce more authenticity into our assessment practices?  (adapted from Brown & Sambell, 2023)

  • Students often find it interesting and rewarding;
  • Used well, it can be a driver for effective learning;
  • It can be a powerful means of developing students’ higher order thinking skills;
  • Authentic assessment tends to be invaluable in motivating students who recognise its validity and long-term relevance;
  • It can foster among students a wide range of liferelevant skills and attributes;
  • There can be genuine rather than tokenistic opportunities for inclusive practice;
  • Authentic approaches can help promote academic integrity;
  • Tasks can link well to real-world challenges (if associated with industry, professions or civic groups).

Prof Sally Brown and Prof Kay Sambell resources at Sally Brown - Assessment, 
learning and teaching in higher education Sally Brown (sally-brown.net)

Exemplars on Authentic Assessment

The below exemplars collected from TU Dublin academics, show examples of authenticity in assessment and the impact of that assessment on student learning:  

Student perspectives on Authentic Assessment 

Authentic assessment evaluates whether students can successfully transfer their knowledge & skills to various contexts & scenarios. 

It is the difference between measuring what students know vs how they can apply their knowledge. 

These assessment methods vary between disciplines.
Examples include: 

  • Develop a website/app to solve a particular problem
  • Design a project within a given real-world scenario (product design)
  • Develop a business plan for a company in an area of interest
  • Critically review case studies outlining real-life scenarios

The benefits of authentic assessment for students include that:  

  • It focuses on higher order thinking skills – students must apply 
    knowledge creatively to problem solve 
  • It motivates students to engage with the content = more productive 
  • It reduces competency gaps between education + professional life 
  • It equips students with skills they can use in future employment 

Taken from the NTUTORR Compendium of Assessment methods: Students Perspectives

Prof-ASSESS Podcast EP2 - Employing Authentic Assessment

In episode 2 (46 mins) – ‘Employing Authentic Assessment’ - we hear more from our three experts on how to get started with embedding or enhancing authenticity in our assessment tasks and module and programme strategies, and discuss the practicalities of authentic assessment with three academic staff from TU Dublin: Dr Deirdre McGowan, Head of Law, Dr Catherine Deegan, Head of Discipline, Control Engineering, and Dr Noel Brady, Lecturer and Chair of TU Dublin’s Bachelor (Hons) of Architecture. Deirdre, Catherine, and Noel each shared their perspectives on authentic assessment, and why they think it is important for preparing graduates in their disciplines for their future professions and life outside of college. 

Click on the image below to play (you can access episode one from here)

Decorative Image links to podcast episode