Ellen Kaminga

Image for Ellen Kaminga

WP2 - Research Assistant

Email: ellen.m.kaminga@tudublin.ie

Ellen is an MPhil post graduate student in WS2 of the Transform-EDU project. Ellen has a Masters in Chemistry from the University of Groningen in The Netherlands. She specialised in science education in her Masters and completed an ERASMUS exchange project in Dublin and published on the experience of chemistry lecturers during a change in virtual learning environment (VLE) among at TU Dublin in 2019. Ellen joined the Transform-EDU project team in September 2020 to perform an exploratory case study in WS2 on the understanding of and implementation of transformative learning and employability within the current curriculum framework at TU Dublin. Ellen’s project is in collaboration with the CoCREATE project, that focused on creating pillars for a new curriculum framework at TU Dublin. Ellen is co-supervised by Dr. Barry Ryan and Dr.Fionnuala Darby and Dr. Jennifer Harvey

Image for Ellen Kaminga