Transform-EDU places transformative learning centre-stage. It focuses on an innovative approach to learning where elements of structured programmes, and co and extra-curricular events are purposefully integrated to create the rich learning environments to foster transformative learning. 

Summary of Work Package Objectives

Project Team

This cluster of work-packages reflects recognition that, whilst learning outcomes are mostly achievable within structured discipline-specific curricula, 21st Century Graduate profiles are dynamic, requiring agile learning environments to produce graduates who meet or exceed skills demanded by enterprise.


Transform-EDU contains ambitious work packages, each contributing to realising effective delivery of the envisioned transformative student-centered learning,  based on the Nerstrom Transformative Learning Model (Nerstrom, 201415), which represents Transformative Learning as embodying four sequential phases. 

Nestrom’s Transformative Learning Model (Adapted from: Nerstrom, 2014) 

Transform-EDU aims to link teaching and learning, engagement and infrastructure in which achievement of transformative learning against graduate attributes is depicted in a Transformative Learning Record (TLR) . ​

The TLR seeks to enable students to experience greater transformations from their learning through exposure to identifiable tenets of transformative learning. The project bears opportunities for successful implementation of transformative learning, offering a unique learning-experience for TU Dublin students. ​ 

STLR Activity Report 2021

STLR Activity Report - 2122
