Series of Talks - Prison Entrepreneurship

Published: 11 Feb, 2025

We’re excited to share a new series of interviews from the Prison Entrepreneurship course, 'developed as part of the EU funded PREP project (Prisoner Reintegration through Entrepreneurship and Psychology), now live on our YouTube channel!

In these interviews, we talk to entrepreneurs with lived experience of the justice system, as well as experts who provide valuable insights into the challenges faced by people with criminal convictions. We hope these conversations inspire you and highlight the opportunities available in entrepreneurship.

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Discover more inspiring talks at GROWTHhub: Talks at GROWTHhub

GROWTHhub project is funded by the Higher Education Authority's HCI Pillar 3, a government programme designed to meet priority skills needs, by increasing collaboration between higher education and enterprise with a focus on innovations in teaching and learning.

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