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NewsatGROWTHhub 1. President Challenge Winners, 2. Interview with Vincent Cleary (Glenisk MD), and 3. GROWTHhub activities

Published: 8 Nov, 2022

Hi all!  

We hope you all had a great reading week last week.  

Welcome to our NEWS at GROWTHhub. In this issue you can:  

  1. Explore!  Last week TU Dublin President's Sustainability Innovation Challenge!  
  2. Get inspired!  Hear Vincent Cleary (Glenisk MD) talking about his entrepreneurial journey. 
  3. Learn! GROWTHhub activities are coming up. 

1. Explore: TU Dublin President’s Sustainability Innovation Challenge  

Thanks for all the students that participated in the inaugural TU Dublin President’s Sustainability Innovation Challenge last week.  We had 14 amazing teams who came up with fabulous ideas on how to reduce household food waste. Well done to all. You were a fabulous group to work with.

President Challenge Group Photo you can see students working together

Across the day the groups were led by the GROWTHhub facilitator Shachi Parmar to apply a range of ideation tools (including LEGO) to the challenge: 

Photo of lego designs made by the groups

Pictures taken by Fionn from @stlr_tudublin_ (Thanks Fionn & STLR for such fabs pictures) 

The winners are: 

Photo of the 1st 2nd and 3rd winners team

You can see more photos of the event at our ‘Hackathon’ story highlight in our Instagram account.  

2. Get inspired: Talks at GROWTHhub – Interview with Vincent Cleary (Glenisk MD) 

Vincent Cleary, Managing Director of Glenisk Vincent tells his entrepreneurial story from being the ‘bottle washer’ to Managing Director of Glenisk. We hope you enjoy our chat with Vincent.  

Play now

3. Learn: GROWTHhub activities coming up:   

Here are some GROWTHhub activities happening this semester you may be interested in:

Find out about other GROWTHhub activities here:



The GROWTHhub Team

Technological University Dublin

Find out more at or follow us in Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn.