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IMMERSE Start-up Internship Programme

Published: 3 Feb, 2022

What is IMMERSE?

IMMERSE Start-up Internship Programme matches upcoming student talent, for a period of summer placement, with upcoming business talent. This period of paid placement is carried out by a student from TU Dublin, for a 8-12 week period this summer.

What are the benefits of getting involved?

The IMMERSE Internship offers several benefits to your business including:

How can IMMERSE support your business?

The IMMERSE start-up internship is designed to provide maximum flexibility to meet your business requirements. The internships are flexible allowing your business to source a specific competency or skill and to structure the internship work programme around your specific needs:

  1. Project work: You may wish to scope a particular project or task that the intern will undertake. The project work may require application of skills that relate to the intern’s university programme. It might also form a major part of the intern’s work, for example, the intern may assist with a system implementation project or establishing an online business presence.
  2. General work: This may be ad hoc work that gives the intern a better understanding of day-to- day operations in your business and in the workplace more generally. It may involve assisting colleagues with routine tasks, which could help give the intern a better understanding of how the company operates.
  3. Reactive work: This might involve helping out with non-planned work that needs an urgent response. Dealing with urgent issues is an important part of working life so it can be valuable experience for the intern and a valuable additional resource for your business.

Our students areas of expertise:

Given the wide range of disciplines at TU Dublin, IMMERSE provides a wide scope of work areas that can be selected from in designing and recruiting your specific internship requirement, for example:

How does an IMMERSE internship work?

How will TU Dublin support your business?

How to get involved in IMMERSE?

Contact the IMMERSE Coordinator at to express your interest.

See IMMERSE Start-up Internship Programme information flyer .

Key Dates

The IMMERSE Programme is an initiative of the TU Dublin Partnerships Directorate and GROWTHhub. GROWTHhub is supported by the Higher Education Authority Human Capital Initiative Pillar 3.