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Four major media awards for TU Dublin students

Published: 22 Jun, 2021

Recipients of the annual SMEDIA awards for student journalism were announced on 02 June with TU Dublin students of journalism and photography winning in four major categories.

Rebecca Daly, from the graduating class of Journalism students, was named Editor of the Year for the 4th Year Journalism publication The Dawning. The award was sponsored by the Irish Independent and judged by the paper’s Ireland Editor, Fionnan Sheahan. Rebecca said her objective in editing The Dawning was to try to feature stories that hadn’t received much coverage elsewhere and ‘to find interesting angles and tell new stories’. Rebecca was also an Editor for the first two editions of IrisZine, the first ever TU Dublin bilingual magazine.

The importance of scientific communication to a general audience is something that has been highlighted over the last 12 months during which scientists have been to the forefront in explaining the COVID-19 pandemic in a way that lay audiences can undertstand. That makes the SFI Award for Science and Technology journalism particularly topical and the winner was one of the contributors to The Dawning magazine, Megan O’Brien, who also graduates this year with a degree in Journalism.

Radio has always been a favourite medium in Ireland but with the growth in documentaries and podcasts it has become a refuge from current affairs. Aoife Kearns was the winner in the Radio – Arts and Features category for her programme Remembering Mary.

In a fourth major award for a TU Dublin student, the title of Photographer of the Year went to Jana Bulochova for her Faceless Affection.

Congratulating Rebecca, Megan, Aoife and Jana, Hugh McAtamney, Head of the School of Media, said he was delighted that their work had been recognised by the SMEDIAs. “You have all done amazing work, in spite of the challenges over the last year. The School has a long and distinguished record in journalism and photography education and was the first third level institution to create degree-level programmes to develop the journalists and communicators with ability, professionalism and integrity.. You and your classmates will continue that tradition in your future careers while bringing new energy and your own vision to whatever you do next. Huge congratulations on your achievement and I wish you every success in the future.”