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Oifig na Gaeilge

As a member of the TU Dublin community, you play a vital role in helping us meet our obligations under the Official Languages (Amendment) Act 2021. This legislation builds on the Official Languages Act 2003, establishing specific responsibilities to ensure services and communications are available in both Irish and English. The aim of the legislation is to increase the quality and quantity of services available to the public in Irish.

Key Provisions of the Act:

  • A public body’s annual report, any audited account or financial statement must be published in both official languages simultaneously
  • All physical and digital signage, stationery, livery, official forms, text on merchandise must be available in both Irish and English.
  • The Irish language shall appear first. Shall not be less prominent, visible or legible 
  • Lettering shall not be smaller in size 
  • Shall communicate the same information 
  • Shall not be abbreviated unless a word in English is abbreviated
  • Advertising: Public bodies are required to ensure that:
    • 20% of a public body’s total output of advertising is in Irish annually.
    • 5% of yearly advertising expenditure advertising in Irish, with Irish Language media.
    • Recruitment: By 2030, 20% of public sector appointees should be proficient in Irish at B2 level. What is B2 CEFR?

Role of the Irish Language Officer:

Our Oifigeach na Gaeilge/Irish Language Officer, part of the University Communications & Public Affairs team, is here to support and guide the translation of materials and ensure compliance with the act. They coordinate all Irish language services and oversee the implementation of bilingual content requirements across the university.

How You Can Help:

  • Be Proactive: Engage with our Irish Language Officer when preparing public-facing materials.
  • Stay Informed: Understand the specific requirements of your department under the Act.
  • Support Multilingualism: Encourage and support the use of both Irish and English in official communications.

For any questions about the language requirements or to ensure your communications comply with the Official Languages Acts, please contact the Irish Language Officer at

These regulations are not just about compliance. They also reflect our commitment to fostering an inclusive and diverse community that respects and promotes the Irish language. By fulfilling these obligations, we not only adhere to the law but also enhance the cultural heritage of TU Dublin.