Diane Hurley

Image for Diane Hurley

Enterprise Ireland New Frontiers Programme Manager - City Campus

Email: diane.hurley@tudublin.ie

Tel: +353 1 2208165

A multilingual Professional who is a strategic problem solver with strong communication and interpersonal skills. I have a wealth of experience working in fast-paced, dynamic, changeable environments across Europe, the US, the Middle East and Asia in project management, involving relationship and change management across the governmental, non-governmental and corporate sectors.
From working across such a broad spectrum of sectors and countries with several key stakeholders at any given time, I have experience of easily adapting and getting up to speed quickly in response to a crisis or a need for change. I also have a keen insight into how to clearly identify and understand expectations, needs and perspectives in supporting contributions and buy-in to meet challenges with opportunities and to ensure long-term success in the implementation of processes and structures and to maintain strong relationships with key customers.


Image for Diane Hurley