students talking in canteen with animated background illustrations

Grant Information

SUSI - Student Universal Support Ireland

SUSI (Student Universal Support Ireland) is the single national Awarding Authority for all new student grant applications. Applications for Student Grants are assessed under the criteria set out in the Student Support Act 2011, Student Support Regulations and the Student Grant Scheme.

Decisions on grants are made wholly by SUSI, TU Dublin have no input into grant decisions.

Visit for more information and how to apply.

Please ensure you are familiar with closing dates for grant applications. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that they make their grant application correctly and on time. You do not need to have accepted a place in college to apply for a student grant. So APPLY EARLY!

Registering with TU Dublin if you have made an application to SUSI

If you have received an Invitation to Register you can go on-line immediately and register pending a decision on your grant application without full grant approval. You will need your SUSI application number. Students awaiting a full decision on their grant will not be required to pay fees at this point.

Students are responsible for making sure their fees are paid in full.  You should continue to liaise with SUSI to ensure your application is processed in a timely manner.  You can log onto your SUSI Tracker at online tracker or email to check on progress of your grant application.

It is important to note if a decision is not made on your grant application by 1st December annually you will be required to inform the University of the current status of your grant application, you may be required to pay a minimum of 50% of the outstanding fee.

Full fees must be paid no later than 31st of January annually.

SUSI will write to you to confirm you have been awarded a grant.  Please pay close attention to the wording and the amount indicated on your award letter.  In some instances a 100% fee award may NOT always mean the full fee liability will be covered by SUSI – this is usually in the case where a student has some previous study. The student will then be liable for any remaining outstanding fees and should have it paid within the timeframes outlined above.

SUSI will contact TU Dublin directly to confirm you have been awarded a grant. Once the student has registered TU Dublin will then apply this grant to the student record and confirm to SUSI the student is registered and attending classes.

TU Dublin will invoice SUSI accordingly for fees awarded to you.

If you are unsuccessful in your grant application, you become immediately liable to pay half your fees and should do so by logging on to our register and pay system.

Renewing your Grant

You will be required to apply for a renewal of your Grant each year. NB: From 2020, programme codes beginning with letters DT, BN or TA will not appear on the SUSI website. All TU Dublin programmes will be listed under their new TU code. To find the new TU code for your programme click on the relevant link below:

When you are applying to get your grant renewed you will be requested by grant authorities to provide evidence that you are eligible to re-register on your programme. You should present to the relevant grant awarding body your “web registration email ” which will be sent to your TU Dublin student email account from mid-August annually.

Back to Education Allowance

The Back to Education Allowance (BTEA) allows qualifying persons to return to full-time education in approved courses while continuing to get income support.

How to Apply?

All information in respect of the BTEA is available from the Department of Social Protection at or

Students attending Undergraduate courses who are in receipt of the Back to Education Allowance (BTEA) can apply under the student grant scheme to have their student contribution charge and any tuition fees payable for the course paid on their behalf. See