TU Dublin students laughing outdoors on grangegormancampus

Hospitality StudiesTeastas sa Staidéar Fáilteachais

Course Title: Certificate in Hospitality Studies

Commencement Date: September 2024

TU Code


NFQ Level

Level 6

Award Type



ECTS Credits



Less than 1 year

Number of Places

16 per stream


Aungier Street, Grangegorman

Virtual Tour

Aungier Street



EU Fees

Non-EU Fees

The Certificate in Hospitality Studies is a short-term educational programme focused on providing foundational knowledge and practical skills in the field of hospitality. It is designed to help graduates secure employment across the hospitality industry. The program is structured into 12 weeks of classes and 12 weeks of work placement. During the 12-week course, students will learn about different aspects of hospitality with a personalised learning experience, with small class sizes and individualised attention. Upon successful completion of the program, students will be offered a 12-week work placement, allowing them to get the chance to gain hands-on experience and apply their newfound knowledge and skills in a real-world setting.

The programme is full-time with approximately 20 hours of class time per week and we expect about a further 20 hours of independent study. The programme runs from January to May each year. Classes take place between the hours of 9 am and 6 pm, Monday to Friday. 

Why was the CHS set up and who is it for?

The program is specifically designed to empower and create pathways for individuals from socio-economic and educational disadvantaged communities, providing them with opportunities to transform their lives by finding full-time employment and a successful career in the Hospitality industry. The course is of particular benefit to adults who’ve been out of education for a long time, or who did not complete a Leaving Certificate. In addition, we welcome applications from people whose skills no longer allow them to access the labour market.

Learning outcome/What will you study?

Students study 6 modules (three compulsory modules plus three optional modules depending on the stream). In the core modules of this programme, students learn basic academic skills, study methods, and how higher education works. They also develop strong written and spoken communication skills, covering writing, presentations, and interpersonal strategies. Students can then choose from two career-specific streams in the hospitality industry to gain targeted skills and knowledge for their desired paths within the hospitality industry.

This programme is designed specifically for applicants who have experienced socio-economic disadvantage and/or educational disadvantage. Each candidate is screened at the short-listing stage to determine eligibility for the programme.

Mature Students (22 years of age or over on the 1st of January 2024):

There are no standard educational requirements, such as the Leaving Certificate, but all applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a mature student. Applicants who are 22 years of age or over on the 1st of January on the year of entry are considered mature students.
  • Be able to demonstrate a desire to pursue third level programmes and a level of learning ability suitable to do so.
  • Demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively in English at level suitable to commencing the programme.
  • Candidates who already hold a higher education qualification (level 6 Higher Certificate award or above) with no evidence of deterioration in academic ability, will be considered ineligible.
  • Non-EU/EEA candidates must be ordinarily resident in Ireland and have Visa/GNIB stamp 4 status or have international protection status in Ireland.
  • Be ordinarily resident within the EU/EEA/Swiss Confederation for 3 out of the last 5 years.
Young Adults (21 years of age or younger on the 1st of January 2024):

This programme offers opportunities to young adults who have experienced socio-economic disadvantage. To be considered eligible applicants must satisfy three of the following SED indicators:

1. Parents have not gone to college (higher education).
2. Applicant has attended a DEIS school for at least 2 years.
3. Family income in 2020 was below the following:

Less than 4 €45,790
4-7 €50,325
More than 8 €54,630

Add €4,670 to the total income for every sibling/parent enrolled in a full time college, university or post leaving certificate further education course.

4. Be from a socio economic group underrepresented in higher education.
5. Live in an area of urban or rural disadvantage.
6. Family received a means tested payment from the Department of Social Protection for atleast 26 weeks in the tax year two years prior to the year of application. For example, applicants for 2024 must submit financial documentation for 2022.

Special consideration is given to applicants from the Traveller Community and applicants who are/were in the care of the state.

There are no standard educational requirements, such as the Leaving Certificate, but all applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Be able to demonstrate a desire to pursue third level programmes and a level of learning ability suitable to do so.
  • Demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively in English at level suitable to commencing the programme.
  • Candidates who already hold a higher education qualification (level 6 Higher Certificate award or above) with no evidence of deterioration in academic ability, will be considered ineligible.
  • Non-EU/EEA candidates must be ordinarily resident in Ireland and have Visa/GNIB stamp 4 status or have international protection status in Ireland.
  • Be ordinarily resident within the EU/EEA/Swiss Confederation for 3 out of the last 5 years.

Applications are made online to TU Dublin and are shortlisted based on eligibility and suitability. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview. Offers are made to candidates based on the application form and interview.

You can apply as a young Adult application (If you were 21 or under on January 1st 2024) or you you can apply as mature Student application form (If you were 22 or over on January 1st 2024) 

Applications now open - Apply Online Now

  • Food & Beverage Assistant
  • Restaurant/Bar/Public House Assistant
  • Barista
  • Mixologist
  • Reservations and Reception Assistant
  • Waitress/Waiter
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Server Assistant
  • Food Runner
  • Host/Hostess
  • Catering Assistant
  • Customer Services Representative Assistant
  • Airport Representative
  • Front Desk Agent
  • Tourism Officer Assistant
  • Operations Assistant

Students who successfully complete the programme will be offered a place on one of the following programmes at TU Dublin through a facilitated entry process:

Contact Us

Programme Coordinator - Carles Prat