Register now for our Undergraduate and Postgraduate Open Days, starting on 29 March.

Advanced Entry

If an applicant already holds certified educational achievements and/or work experience in a relevant field, it may be possible to apply for entry to the second or subsequent year of an undergraduate course. This process is known as an “Advanced Entry” application. Advanced Entry onto a course is not guaranteed. The number of Advanced Entry places differs from year to year, and the option for advance entry will depend on availability of places.

EU Applicants make an application for advanced entry through the CAO. Individual course pages will outline if Advanced Entry is an option. Courses which are open for Advanced Entry are also listed on the CAO website. International Applicants must apply directly to TU Dublin.


EU Applicants make an application for advanced entry to a TU Dublin course through the Central Applications Office (CAO). Individual course pages will outline if Advanced Entry is an option, courses open for Advanced Entry are listed on the CAO website. Please note that often courses fill up and the option for advance entry will depend on availability of places.

Advanced Entry applications are assessed on the basis of certified results and submission of all relevant supporting documentation. Supporting documentation would typically include the following:

  • Copies of FETAC L5 and 6 awards
  • Copies of BTEC and other awards
  • Transcripts from previous Higher Education
  • A CV with information about relevant previous experience with references
  • A statement of interest

The closing date for advanced entry applications is usually 12th July, however some popular courses may close earlier due to high demand. 

International Applicants must apply directly to TU Dublin. Apply via the Non-EU International Button on the relevant course webpage, ensuring to upload your most up to date and all other relevant supporting documentation including detailed exam results, transcripts and details of relevant work experience, cv etc.

Please note that Instruction for all courses at TU Dublin is through English. English language proficiency is required for all undergraduate courses at the University. If English is not an applicant’s first language, such applicants must present one of the English Language qualifications as listed on our website as evidence of competence. Applicants presenting third-level qualifications from outside of Ireland must apply and have confirmed by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) how their third-level qualification compares to Irish qualifications on the NFQ. This service is free of charge and is an advisory service on foreign qualifications. See


The closing date for EU advanced entry applications via the CAO is 12 July, however some popular courses may close earlier due to high demand.

The closing date for advanced entry for international applicants is 30 June.

Please ensure that you follow the instructions outlined on the CAO website with regard to submitting supporting documentation. 

Failure to supply supporting documentation may result in your application being rejected.

Applications are assessed on the applicants prior educational (Recognised Prior Learning or RPL) and/or work experience.

Applications are assessed on merit of certified results, and submission of all relevant supporting documentation. Supporting documentation would typically include the following:

  • Copies of FETAC L5 and 6 awards
  • Copies of BTEC and other awards
  • Transcripts from previous Higher Education
  • A CV with information about relevant previous experience with references
  • A statement of interest
  • Applications are assessed on the basis of availability of places in the relevant course year and on merit.

Advanced Entry onto a course is not guaranteed. 

What is RPL?

RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) is a process which acknowledges, and gives value to, learning achieved prior to registering for a TU Dublin course.

Prior learning may be a result of successful participation in a formal learning programme for which you were awarded certification. If you use your prior certificated learning towards a TU Dublin award, the process is called: Accreditation of Prior Certificated Learning (APCL).

Prior learning may also be an outcome of non-formal or informal learning achieved through work, voluntary activities or private study, for which you may not have a certificate. The process of using this type of learning for higher education purposes is called: Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL).

It is not uncommon for both APCL and APEL to be considered together in an RPL process.

The RPL Process

Applicants must provide evidence of appropriate past learning, whether that is certificated or experiential learning. In some cases it may be sufficient for the applicant to provide copies of appropriate certificates. In other cases there may be a self-assessment exercise, preparation of a file or ‘portfolio’ of appropriate evidence of learning, an interview, and perhaps a demonstration or assessment task.

Offers of places are usually made during the months of July and August and are issued by the CAO via email. Offers are issued subject to the availability of places and in order of merit.

If you have a query on Advanced Entry please email us at