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Maths Competency Test for TU805

Twice a year, the University holds Mathematics Competency Tests (MCT) for applicants to our Level 8, TU805 Engineering (General Entry) course. For entry to TU805, applicants must achieve a minimum of a H4 or higher, in Higher Level Mathematics. TU Dublin has developed the MCT to offer applicants to TU805 a further opportunity to achieve this minimum entry requirement. The MCT is not compulsory, and no extra CAO points are awarded to successful students. There is no cost to sit the exam.

The MCT is set at a similar standard to the Leaving Certificate Higher Level Mathematics examination. To be eligible to sit the exam students must have applied for TU805 on the CAO and must already be studying Mathematics at a Higher Level.

The MCT can only be used in support of an application for TU805 and will not be considered in an application for any other course in the university.

The MCT takes place over three days on our Grangegorman campus. The first two days focus on revision topics with the exam taking place on the third day. Students must be available to attend in person on campus for all 3 days. Unfortunately, we cannot make provisions for individual students to sit the test on alternative dates.

Students have two opportunities each year to take part in the MCT:


Revision Classes & Test Dates

Result Release Date (Approx)

Session 1:


Revision classes: Monday 14 April & Tuesday 15 April 2025

Exam: Wednesday 16 April 2025. 

Register for MCT Session 1

Early July 2025. Results emailed directly to candidates from the Admissions team.

Session 2:

Will take place after Leaving Certificate results are released. Dates TBC

One week after MCT. Results emailed directly to candidates from the Admissions team.

Results of MCT

It is important to note that a Matriculation Grade of 60% or higher is deemed equivalent to a H4 and is necessary to meet the minimum entry requirement for TU805. Results will be provided in the following format:

CAO Offers

Further Information

Contact Michael Carr, School of Transport and Civil Engineering -

Frequently Asked Questions


No, the MCT is not obligatory for applicants to TU805.  In addition to sitting the Mathematics Higher paper in the Leaving Cert examinations, it is an additional opportunity for applicants to achieve the H4 Maths minimum entry requirement for the course.

The syllabus is covered in 3 sections over 2 days.

While attendance for the revision sessions is not mandatory, it is recommended.

A student may opt to attend according to their own revision requirements and what best suits their availability. 

Here’s an example of the MCT Syllabus:

  • Statistics and probability: counting, binomial coefficients, Venn diagrams, probability problems,
    outcomes of random processes, normal distribution problems and correlation coefficient. 
  • Geometry and trigonometry: solve problems involving a line and a circle, perpendicular distance
    from a point to a line, use trigonometry to solve problems in 3D, solve trigonometric equations and 
    graph trigonometric functions.
  • Number systems: arithmetic and geometric series, solve problems involving logarithms, solve
    problems involving indices and complex numbers.
  • Algebra: Manipulation of equations, binomial theorem, arithmetic operations on polynomials,
    solving equations, solving inequalities and systems of simultaneous equations.
  • Functions: Graphs and continuity, Differentiation of functions, finding rates of change and
    maximum and minimum points using differentiation, Integration of standard functions and 
    determine areas using integration.

TU Dublin is committed to supporting applicants and students with disabilities. If you have a disability and require exam supports, please indicate that you have a disability on the registration form and email with the subject line “Maths Competency Test Disability Supports” and be sure to include your CAO number, and your support requirements. Our Disability Support Service will require applicants to provide verification of the supports they have been allocated for the Leaving Certificate examinations. If supports are to be provided by the university, we will confirm this in writing to the applicant in advance of the MCT.

  • Maths Tables
  • Calculator
  • Notebook/pad
  • Writing implements

You must bring the following into the Exam Hall:

  • Photo ID (mandatory), you will not be allowed to sit the exam without this. 
  • Writing implements.  

You cannot bring the following into the Exam Hall:

  • Maths Tables - these will be provided during the exam
  • Mobile Phones/Electronic Devices 
  • Any unauthorised materials (e.g. books, notes, etc.) 

Please note:

  • Do not remove any TU Dublin examination materials (including the exam paper) from the exam hall. 
  • Students not following the guidelines above may be refused entry to exams, may be asked to leave an exam, and/or face disciplinary proceedings. 

The MCT is free of charge.

The student can take the MCT a second time immediately after the Leaving Certificate, if they did not matriculate first time around and subsequently failed to achieve a H4 in the Leaving Cert.