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Surveying & Construction Management

CPD - Surveying & Construction Management

APPLY - TU5405 CPD Certificate in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) 

Early application is encouraged.  As the number of places is limited, candidates may be short-listed on the basis of information supplied on the application form. Late applications may be considered should vacancies remain. Candidates will be notified of the outcome or of any short listing procedures

Application Details
  • Note: As places are limited on this popular course, early application is advised.
  • Closing date for applications: September 2023
  • Teaching commences: September 2023
  • Module fee: €1275
Module Details
  • TU Code: 5405
  • Level: NFQ Level 8
  • Award: CPD Certificate
  • Duration: 2 Semesters / 24 weeks
  • Course type: Undergraduate
  • Mode of Study: Part time
  • Method of Delivery: Classroom / Online
  • Location: Bolton Street
  • Contact: 

This Level 8 one year programme provides a sound theoretical and practical foundation in this challenging and evolving discipline.  The module comprises lectures and complimentary laboratory practical exercises using industry standard software.  Fundamental concepts and theory, standard analysis operations, as well as spatial data management issues, are comprehensively covered in the module.

The aim is to provide the learner with the necessary technical, analytical and administrative expertise to beneficially employ this technology.

Minimum Entry Requirements

As a continuing professional development certificate, this is aimed at individuals who are ideally but not necessarily working in GIS or a related industry and require development of skills in this area. Candidates will normally hold an existing qualification at level 5 (Leaving Certificate) or higher.

Course Content
  • Overview GIS: Components of a GIS, historical development and evolution of GIS, capabilities and applications of GIS
  • Data Models: Concept of a data model - object / field models, vector and raster.  Development of a data model in GIS - Cad, Geo-relational and Geodatabase models, concept of topology.
  • Database Technology: System analysis and database design process - data modelling, ERD’s and relational model. Database construction and operation -  forms, reports and querying.
  • Spatial Analysis and Modelling: Classification, generalisation, retrieval and querying.  Spatial operations (overlay, buffering, proximity, etc.).  Raster data structures, algorithms and analysis.  Surface and terrain analysis
  • Spatial data management: Sources of data. Metadata.  Spatial Data Infrastructures – INSPIRE.  Protection of intellectual property rights, copyright.  Data quality and error modelling
  • Data acquisition:  Co-ordinate reference systems.  GNSS.  Introduction to remote sensing and photogrammetry
  • GIS Lab (continuing coursework & assessment) 

3 hour sessions on 1 evening per week (usually Tuesday)

Further Information

Visit our website or further information on the School of Surveying and Construction Management.