student walking TU Dublin

BIM (Digital Construction)BIM (Foirgníocht Dhigiteach)

Course Title: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in BIM (Digital Construction)

TU Code


NFQ Level

Level 8

Award Type


Bachelor of Science (Honours)


1 Year

Course Type


Mode of Study

Part Time

Method of Delivery

On-Campus, Online

Commencement Date

January 2026


City Centre: Bolton Street

Virtual Tour

Bolton Street


€2,400 Total Fee

The BSc (Hons) in BIM (Digital Construction) is a one-year part-time re-skilling programme which addresses a significant market deficit for construction professionals by providing them with the ability to use BIM technologies in discipline-specific modelling and multidisciplinary coordination contexts. It is intended for graduates of level 7 courses in built environment disciplines and aims to upskill or facilitate a return to employment for individuals who are not yet experienced in the new construction paradigm of co-ordinated BIM. It also enables technicians in a variety of Construction areas to adapt to new skill requirements and to change career direction to take advantage of new opportunities.

The course is set at Level 8 in the National Framework of Qualifications and provides graduates of building and infrastructure design and construction-related programmes with a safe, educational setting in which to develop an ability to use BIM technologies for design, construction and coordination.

There is a strong focus on improving the productivity of the construction sector through better multidisciplinary co-ordination, through digital transformation, and through the application of Lean principles including fully utilising people's talents, skills & knowledge, and reducing waste from defects, overproduction, transportation, motion, over-processing, and unnecessary waiting times. Students undertake a significant amount of learning with discipline-specific colleagues before moving into a multidisciplinary environment to engage in model co-ordination between professionals. This course leads to employment with specialist contractors, general contractors, professional practices, and consultants from multiple disciplines.

Level 7 qualification or equivalent in a relevant discipline

Level 6 craft apprenticeship qualification or equivalent in a relevant discipline plus 5 years of relevant experience

The course is structured as follows.

At registration one of four potential streams (10 ECTS) must be selected

  • BIM Architectural Modelling & Review - Semester 1
  • BIM Construction Model Exploitation & Review - Semester 1
  • BIM MEP Modelling & Review - Semester 1
  • BIM Civil & Structural Engineering Modelling & Review - Semester 1

Core modules

  • Digital Construction – Principles and Standards (5 ECTS) - Semester 1
  • BIM Federation & Validation – (10 ECTS) - Semester 1
  • Work-Based Learning at BSc Level - (15 ECTS) - Semester 2
  • Research Methods at BSc Level – (5 ECTS) - Semester 1
  • Dissertation including Agile Project Management ( 15 ETCS). - Semester 2.

Friday afternoons plus 1-2 evenings per week depending on the stream selected; streams are based on discipline groupings

Applications are currently closed.

January 2026 Intake: Applications will open in April 2025